Lorrha Notes
The 2016 Lorrha/Dorrha Parish Calendar is on sale throughout the parish, in Portumna and Borrisokane, in great time for posting to loved ones for Christmas wherever they may be in the world. If you would like to have a copy posted to you, call (086) 8647166 or email info@
It’s all smiles from Sarah Pingeree and George Harding, Gurteen Badminton Club following the presentation of medals at the U17 Nenagh Open badminton competition.With an outstanding performance Sarah and George won medals in 4 of the 5 competitions run on the day. A number of national team members took part in the competition. Well done George and Sarah.
Date For Your Diary.
The annual Lorrha Christmas Market and Auction will take place on Sunday Dec. 6th. Anyone wishing to donate items for the auction can contact Louis on (086) 8493595 or any member of the committee. Anyone wishing to book a table for the market can contact Mary at (090) 9747196 or Liz at (090) 9747893 or any member of the committee. More details next week.
Birthday Greetings.
Many congratulations is extended to Michael Moran, son of Michael and Mary, Rathcabbin who celebrated his 40th birthday recently. Michael celebrated the occasion with family and friends in The Friars Tavern, Lorrha and a great night was had by all. Well done Michael.
Lorrha Camogie AGM
Due to lack of attendance the camogie AGM has been put back to Fri 27th Nov at 7pm in the clubhouse. A committee must be formed in order for the club to carry on in existence. A chairperson, secretary and treasurer are needed to run the club. The juvenile club must decide whether to amalgamate with another club in order to carry on. We urge all parents of juvenile camogie girls to attend the AGM to have your say on this matter. Please attend our AGM as the future of our club and the future of camogie in the parish is hanging in the balance.
Drinking Habits.
Lorrha Variety Group present a three act comedy by T. Smyth ‘Drinking Habits’ in Lorrha Hall from Friday night Nov. 27th to Sunday 29th incl. Doors open at 8pm with curtains up at 8.30p.m. This side splitting farce is set in a convent and involves two Nuns who are secretly making wine to help make ends meet and the result is hilarious.
Church News.
Mass on Wednesday evening at 7.30p.m. in Lorrha Church. This Mass will be offered for the Holy Souls. Christmas Station Mass for people of the Parish on Friday 20th November at 7.30p.m. in Rathcabbin Church. Confessions beforehand. You are asked to note that this Station Mass is for all three areas – Lorrha, Rathcabbin and Redwood.
Visit to Cemeteries: Prayers for the Faithful Departed will be said on Sunday, 22nd in Lorrha after 10.00a.m. Mass and on Sunday, 29th in Bonoham after 11.30a.m. Mass. Day Retreat, Tuesday 1st December, 10am – 4 pm, – day of Prayer, Mass, (meals included) in Mount St. Joseph’s Abbey, Roscrea. Telephone for booking – 0505 25610.
The Parish Pastoral Council is considered an effective structure for facilitating the involvement of the community in the work of the parish. We are grateful to those who serve on our parish P.P.C. It is envisaged having a turnover of representatives every year. We are now recruiting for new members to blend with the experienced. The term of service is from one to four years. If you are interested in serving Christ through the P.P.C. please contact Fr. Pat or any member of the P.P.C.
Nenagh Al- Anon Family Groups are holding an information evening, by way of an Open Public Meeting, on Sunday 22nd November @ 8.30pm in the Pastoral Centre, Church Road, Nenagh.
Badminton Success.
Congratulations is extended to George Harding and Sarah Pingeree from Gurteen Badminton Club who won medals in 4 of the 5 competitions run at the U17 Nenagh Open badminton competition .A number of national team members took part in the competition and witnessed an outstanding performance served up by George and Sarah. Well done.
‘The Grinch Who Stole Christmas’
The ever popular Christmas show performed annually by the children of Redwood NS will take place on Thursday, 3rd December at 7pm in Redwood Church. Headlining the show this year is ‘The Grinch who stole Christmas’ produced by drama teacher Jared Madden.
Winter De-Clutter.
Thinking of clearing out the wardrobe to make room for the Winter collection? Lorrha Development/ Tidy Towns continue with unused clothes collection throughout the Winter months. De-clutter your wardrobe, attack your attic, recycle all unwanted/unused items of clothing to make room for your Winter collection. We will accept any kind of bag or in bags provided by the committee. We can collect your unwanted items. Just call or text (086) 8647166, (086) 8493595 or (086) 8355405 with your name and details. Please note we cannot accept Duvets, bedding, household linen, pillows and cushions, carpets, rugs and mats (including bath, shower and toilet mats), soiled or wet clothing. We appreciate your support. All money raised from all fundraising ventures is used for the ongoing work around Lorrha Village which helps to keep two adults employed.
GAA Notes
Lotto: Our jackpot is now €3,900 with a Match 3 pot of €100. Thank you for your continued support. You can play our lotto online at www.locallotto.ie where it is easy to play every week. Tickets are €2 each or three for €5.
Under 21 Hurling: The U21 hurlers have received a bye through to the semi-finals of the North U21 ‘B’ Hurling Championship.
Auction: This years Timber Auction, Sale of Work and the return of the Wheel of Fortune takes place on Sunday, 13th December at 2.00pm. As part of a Family Day, we are also accepting donations of unwanted items which will be on display on the day and available for people to buy. Anyone with any such items can contact Declan O’Meara or Jimmy Dunne.
Tipperary Draw: Ahead of the AGM, all promoters are asked to bring their accounts up to date.
Camogie: The Camogie Club AGM was postponed last Saturday night due to a poor attendance and has been refixed for Friday, 27th November at 7pm. This is a very important meeting and parents of players and those interested in Camogie are urged to attend.
Social Dancing: continues on Friday night to the music of Dessie Hynes. Dancing 9.30pm to 12.30am. Practice every Monday night from 8.30-10.30pm.
Sympathy: Lorrha GAA Club would like to sympathise with the Duffy family on the death of Mary Duffy who passed away over the weekend. May she rest in peace