Lorrha Notes
Recent Wedding.
The wedding took place on Friday 10th July in St Brendan’s Church Birr of Lisa Smyth daughter of Tommy and Edie Clonmona Rathcabbin and Michael Hogan son of Aidan and Renee Ballinderry Park Borrisokane. The bride was attended by her sister Louise Smyth and grooms sister Teresa Hogan. The Best man was Donald McLean and groomsman was Con Cleary both friends of the groom. The ceremony was performed by Fr Michael Harding while the church music was provided by Virtuoso Chamber Choir under the leadership of Miraim sister of the bride.
Afterwards the newly weds joined with their families and friends for their reception which was held in the County Arms Hotel Birr while they are spending their honeymoon in Ireland.
Congratulations and best wishes is extended to Lisa and Michael for a long and happy life together.
Lorrha Development Association.
The weather is not favouring the workers who are in the middle of the painting project yet despite the heavy rain they are managing to get a lot done. Well done to all concerned. The work continues on Wednesday mornings from 10.a.m. If there is another time and date that suits anyone willing to help out please contact (086) 8647166. One hour is all that is required from you for weeding painting etc. All help is required and appreciated so don’t leave it all to the dedicated number show your pride in your village by helping out.
Golfers Take Note.
Frank Larkin is captain of the parish golf society and in this the 20th. year of the society he is appealing to all golfers in and around the area to come and support the annual golf outing which will take place in Birr Golf club on Saturday 29th. August. Frank who resides in Limerick but was born and raised in Rathcabbin is indeed a very proud parish man and supports so much here that it would be great to see a big turn out for this event. He is determined to bring the parish together on the day and he appeals to those who are coming to play on the day to encourage their friends from outside the parish to come along too. There will be a time sheet available later. Anyone wishing to find out more about this can give Frank a call on (061) 349448.
Gaeltach Rathcairn is a non profit organization which was set up in 1935 by the Irish Government. Their non profit making fundraising concept has raised millions of euros for hundreds of local organizations since 1985. Dermot O’Donovan who is one of their organizers will be attending St. Ruadhan’s Community hall in Lorrha on Thursday night July 30th. at 8.00p.m. Any club or organization in the parish who is thinking of raising funds for whatever project they have in mind is invited to come to this meeting which will be without obligation.
HSE Drugs / HIV Helpline.
A confidential freefone helpline to offer support information guidance and referral to anyone with a question or concern related to drug and alcohol abuse and or HIV and sexual health is available Monday to Friday between 10a.m. and 5p.m. Contact 1800 459 459
Date For Your Diary.
The Lourdes Diocesan Autumn Pilgrimage will leave Shannon Airport on Tuesday 22nd. September and return on Sunday 27th. Sept. The cost this year is €660. This is the cheapest pilgrimage price to Lourdes this year. Booking forms are available from Joe Walsh Tours 143 Lr. Baggott St. Dublin 2. or by calling (01) 2410810.
Life and Mission.
Are you looking for more meaning in life? Our Lady’s school of Evangelisation Knock Co. Mayo are now inviting applications for September ’09. The vision of the school is to empower young men and women for Life and Mission. It is a unique opportunity for any young person to experience during a career break or a gap year. More details is available on www.olseknock.com or phone (090) 9388245 or (087) 2351294.
Golf Lessons.
Golf lessons in Portumna has commenced for beginners and seasoned golfers. Junior golfers are invited to play on Wednesday and Thursday mornings from 9a.m. Details from Jim on (087) 6411711 or Mairead on (087) 2908610.
The senior citizens annual pilgrimage to Knock Shrine will take place this year on Monday August 10th. Sr. Breege McKenna will be present that day. Anyone interested in travelling is requested to contact Betty at (057) 9139085 or (087) 6667374 as soon as possible in order to arrange transport.
A fundraiser for the Milford Hospice will take place in Maher’s Lorrha on Sunday August 2nd. at 1.30p.m. A sponsored walk will take place where fancy dress (optional) can be worn at 2.00p.m. Also bouncing castle several bands will perform on a big stage and to round off the day there will be a pig roasted and ready to eat at 8.00p.m. Ticket sellers are on the loose around the parish and all proceeds will be donated to the Milford Hospice.
Holycross Pilgrimage.
The annual pilgrimage to Holycross Abbey takes place on Wednesday 19th. August. Details from Betty on (057) 9139085 or (087) 6667374.
Parish Web Site.
Visit the parish web site www.lorrhadorrha.ie for all the latest news in the parish.
Youth Festival.
Clonmacnoise Youth 2000 summer festival of Faith will take place from August 13th. to 16th. for 15 to 35 year olds. This year marks the 30th. anniversary of Pope John Paul 11’s visit to Clonmacnoise. Details from www.youth2000.ie
Birr Theatre.
Tuesday August 4th. to Thursday 13th. Summer School Of Rock. Saturday 15th. Choke Comedy Improv. Tuesday 18th. to Friday 21st. Birr Stage Guild present Hello He Lied. Tuesday 18th. Birr Stage Guild Present Vintage Classics. To book tickets contact (057) 9122911 or buy on line at www.birrtheatre.com
Home Safety.
Helpline South provides a 24 hour home safety and personal security system that enables people to live independently within their own homes. Contact (090) 6445080 or (090) 6445081.
Country Market.
Large selection of new season’s fruit and vegetables usual display of home baking preserves and crafts. Open every Friday 8.30a.m. to 12.30p.m. in Town Hall Portumna.
Please note that the deadline for Items of information for inclusion in these notes is 12 noon on Mondays. You can emailed items to roselmannion@yahoo.ie or call (086) 8647166.