
Lorrha Notes

                                                Karate Testing in Ballinasloe.                                       
                                                                              On Sunday March 6th. 40 people attended a Karate grading in Haydens Hotel Ballinasloe. This group pictured here is mainly Lorrha Rathcabbin & Carrig.
Included in the photo is Mr. Dillon (Instructor) Ryan Hogan Cian Gallagher Adam walsh Calaon Bennett Celine Cleary Eoin Gallagher Luke Quinn Noel Heenan Luke Heenan Brendan Heenan. Mr. Downey (Tester)  Well done to them all.


Late Seamus Hough.

The unexpected death occurred while on holiday in Dubai and after a brief illness on February 26th. of Seamus Hough Dublin and formerly Whitehall Lorrha. Although living in Dublin for a long number of years Seamus who was 61 years of age visited Lorrha very regularly and was well known by many so he will be sadly missed by all but in particular by his family. Sympathy is extended to his wife Breda son Stephen daughters Margaret Deirdre Maeve brother Martin (Lorrha) sisters Brigid MacSweeney and Evelyn Curtin sisters in-law brothers in-law nieces nephews and friends.
After funeral Mass in St. Ruadhan’s Church Lorrha on Sunday last March 6th. Burial took place in the adjoining cemetery. May he rest in peace.

Ash Wednesday.

Wednesday March 9th. Is Ash Wednesday a day of Fast & Abstinence. Ashes will be blessed and distributed during Mass in Rathcabbin Church at 9.30a.m. and in Lorrha Church at 9.30a.m. and again at 7.30p.m.
Church Ministry Meeting.
Eucharistic Ministers Readers of the Word members of the Altar Society and Collectors are invited to attend a meeting at the GAA clubhouse Moatefield on Thursday night March 10th. At 8.00p.m. Light refreshments will be served.

St. Patrick’s Day Parade.

Lorrha St. Patrick’s Day Parade will take place at 3.30p.m. on 17th. March followed by BBQ Music fun and games. The street will be closed from 3p.m. on the day and floats are to be in before this time. Entry is free for floats. If you would like to enter a float and for more details contact Tommy on (087) 1359657.

Prayer Vigil.

You are invited to join a prayer vigil that takes place on the 3rd. Friday of each month in Cluain Chiarain Clonmacnois. The prayer intention is for the renewal of the gift of faith and the evangelization of Ireland. The vigil begins with Mass at 10.00p.m. leading to adoration until 3.15a.m. Saturday. Accommodation available if needed just bring a sleeping bag. Please contact Dave on (085) 7746763 or Sean on (087) 8175227. Next vigil is on March 18th.

Date For Your Diary.

Lorrha Apostolic Work Society Annual display will take place on Sunday March 20th. In Lorrha Hall.

Golf News.

Rags golfing society will take off on their first outing for 2011 in Portuma golf course on the 26th March. The crew are after having a long break and are anxious to get back into the swing of things. Tee-time is 10am to 11am.

Sponsored Walk.

Ardara hillwalkers are undertaking a one week coast to coast from Dublin to Galway sponsored walk with proceeds collected going to Aware so they can continue providing much needed services which includes a loCall Helpline a network of over 60 support groups nationwide ‘Beat The Blues’ schools education programme public lecture series etc. The walk which will go via the Grand Canal to the Shannon then to Aughrim Athenry and on to Galway will take place from Good Friday 22nd. to Thursday 28th. April. Two local people Liam Mannion and Kathleen Pardy will be undertaking the walk and they would welcome your support for this great cause.

Birthday Greetings.

Congratulations is extended to Bebhinn Kennedy Rathcabbin on the occasion of her 21st. birthday last week-end. Well done Bebhinn.

Angling Club News.

Lorrha/Rathcabin Angling Club held their AGM last friday night in Mahers. The following officers were elected: Chairman Pat O’Meara Secretary: James Heenan Treasurer: Aidrian Bouchier and comitee: Tony Molloy John Howell Bobby McLaughlin Lesley Harding Diarmuid O’Crowley and Pat Cleary. Membership is 10 euros adults and 5 euros (juniors & OAPs). Membership is now due and new members are very welcome. Contact James Heenan (087) 2031798. A number or competitions will be taken place in the coming months (Trout competitions in March and April Pike competition in April kids competition in June with more in September and October. This year we will continue with our accessability to fishing Little Brosna and Pallas and also cleaning the spawning grounds on the Lorrha river. Lough Dery Biodiversity Project are looking for trout adipose fin samples for their ongoing research on trout genetics on the lake They are also looking for lamprey samples. For further information contact James. Any illegal activities (fishing illegally damaging fish stocks or the water enviroment) can be reported to the following number 1890 347424. A bye-law has being introduced to Lough Derg by Inland Fisheries which states ‘that for 2011 the daily bag limit for trout is four and the legal size limit is 14inches’.