
Lorrha Notes

Dan Morrissey syndicate from Co. Carlow are Ireland’s biggest ever Lotto winners after winning a €18.9 million jackpot in 2008  Nearly 30 cent in every €1 spent on all National Lottery games goes back to Good Causes in the areas of sport, youth, health, welfare, education, arts, heritage, and the Irish Language. In total more than €5.8 Billion has been raised for Good Causes since the National Lottery was established 33 years ago. In 2020 alone, €254 million was raised for local Good Causes in communities across Ireland.

Lorrha Dorrha Camogie Club.

 We had a tremendous response to our fundraiser 250KM in 1 day challenge, clocking up 350KM and raising over €4,000. There was great participation from all the girls and their families which led to a very positive community response to the event. Our GoFundMe page- Lorrha Dorrha Camogie will remain open until Wednesday 14th April with our draw for prizes taking place Friday 16th. Many thanks to all who contributed so generously and to our prize sponsors and local businesses who have helped make this event a success.

2021 CLÁR Programme

The 2021 CLÁR programme was launched on 15th March 2021 by Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys TD. A total of €5.5 million is available under the CLÁR 2021 programme, a 10% increase on 2020 funding.  Measure 3 focuses on Community Wellbeing Measures in the areas of: Community Gardens and Allotments and Mobility and Cancer Care Transport.
The new CLÁR Innovation Measure is targeted at piloting new ideas and outside-the-box thinking which address specific challenges faced by communities in CLÁR areas, including those associated with rural isolation, village decline, service accessibility, population change, social disadvantage and marginalisation in communities within the CLÁR areas. This Measure seeks to support fresh ideas and new ways of working that might not otherwise be identified or supported.  Details of the various measures, including the relevant Scheme Outlines, are available on the DRCD website at https://www.gov.ie/en/policy-information/91ba52-clar/.


Sympathy is extended to the Dolan families Rathcabbin on the death of Mikey Meara, formerly the Pike (brother of Peggy Dolan), who died recently in New Zealand. May he rest in peace.

Free Bereavement Resource Pack

The Irish Hospice Foundation has just launched  a free bereavement resource pack. It includes all the bereavement resources (For adults and children/teenagers) specially developed as part of COVID-19 Care and Inform hub. The link is free to download.  Please see the website for more information at https://hospicefoundation.ie/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Support-for-Grieving-in-Exceptional-Times.pdf

Be Warned.

It has been brought to the attention of The Department of Social Protection in recent days that a scam using the Departments name is circulating to the public.  Some members of the public have received phone calls from an individual purporting to be from a named official of the Department.  The caller then informs the person that their PPS number is compromised and they are asked to provide or verify their name, PPS number and in some cases, Bank Account details. This is a sophisticated scam. We urge our customers not to engage with these callers, not to return calls to these numbers and not to share any personal information with the callers. If a person is in any doubt, they should take the caller’s name and phone the Department’s helpline number 1890 800 024. Also, people who are managing social welfare applications online are reminded to ensure that they are using official Departmental websites. The Department wishes to make it absolutely clear that they never request Bank account or other Financial institution account details from their customers by phone or SMS.

Go Fishing Week

Inland Fisheries have for the very first time launched a virtual ‘Go Fishing Week 2021’ to run from April 25th to May 3rd.  The Inland Fisheries say that this will be a national celebration of fishing with a programme of online events where people will have the opportunity to connect with others across the country making information accessible to all. They will also run a video competition as part of the event. The video titled ’Why I love to fish’ is asking people to submit a short clip of their fishing adventured online and stating what angling in general means to them. The whole idea is aimed to encourage more people to get involved in fishing. All the details on this event can be viewed on inlandfisheriesireland.ie/gofishingweek.


Scoil Lua Naofa Lorrha is accepting enrolments for the 2021/22 school year. Application forms can be  downloaded from the school website www.lorrhans.ie , by email to the school at luanaofa@gmail.com or by calling the school at (090) 9747295 and we can drop a form to you in the post.

Church News.

Prayer to St Ruadhan, Patron of Lorrha, Feast day Thursday April 15th. O great St Ruadhan! Remarkable for thy wondrous love of God and compassion for the poor and grief-stricken! Hater of wrong and injustice, upholder of the laws and privileges of our Holy Church! Help us in times of trial on earth and at last bring us to thee in Heaven. Amen

Anniversary Masses.

Anyone wishing to book an anniversary mass please contact the Parish Office on 090-9747009. Both Fr Tom and Fr Michael are happy to include anniversaries in their weekend masses, in Terryglass by audio on Saturday evenings and on webcam on Sunday mornings in Borrisokane.

 Marriage Preparation During Covid:

Accord CLG is providing a 4 hour facilitated virtual interactive programme for couples preparing for marriage. See Accord.ie or phone 01 5053112.


A Covid-19 support line is available for older people and is managed by ALONE, a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to the outbreak of the Coronavirus. Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary. The support line is open seven days a week, 8am – 8pm, by calling 0818 222 024. You can also contact the Samaritans:  Ph: 116,123, Text  087 2609090, email jo@samaritans.ie . Pieta House: Ph 1800 247 247, text HELP to 51444. Aware: Ph. 1800 804 848, email supportmail@:aware.ie

Juvenile AGM: 

Lorrha GAA club are holding the Juvenile AGM online through Zoom on Thursday April15th at 8pm.  All are welcome to attend . Please contact Colm Kennedy (086/8170633) or Kathleen Gleeson (086/8694528) and we will send you the Zoom link and password.

GAA News

There was No Winner of this weeks lotto jackpot of €4,350. The numbers drawn on 12 April were: 5-11-15-24. 1 Match 3: Tammy Brennan wins €100. Promoters: John McLeish, Liam Reddish, Sceal CE. Next Monday’s draw will be for a jackpot of €4,500 with a Match 3 pot of €100 so make sure you are in the draw. Team 3 in charge of the draw. Thank you for your continued support.

Juvenile AGM: will be held online through Zoom on Thursday 15th April at 8.00pm. All are welcome to log-in. Contact Colm Kennedy 0868170633 or Kathleen Gleeson 0868694528 and we will send you the Zoom link and password.

Grounds Clean-up: On Sunday from 2-3pm, we will be doing a clean-up of the pitch and its surroundings at Tony Reddin Park in preparation for our return to training. All are welcome to attend. Bring strimmer’s, hedge-cutters if available.

Camogie Fundraiser: We had a tremendous response to our fundraiser 250km in a day challenge on Sunday, clocking up 350km and raising over €4,000. There was great participation from all the girls and their families which led to a very positive community response to the event. Our GoFundMe page – Lorrha Dorrha Camogie will remain open until Wednesday 14th April with our draw for prizes taking place on Friday. Many thanks to all who contributed so generously and to our prize sponsors and local businesses who have helped make this event a success.

Calf-rearing Scheme: There has been a positive response to date, and we would like to thank all who have contributed. We still have a few more farms to call to. Contact Joe Dolan 0879673124, Colm Kennedy 0868170633, Louis McCormack 0868493595, Tom Duffy 0876359007 for more info.

Membership: for 2021 is now due. Closing date is the end of April. Players will not be allowed to train without having their membership paid. The rates are as follows: €90 – Adult player; €50 – Minor/College student; €30 – Non-playing Adult (+€70 extra for gym membership); €20 – Juvenile (16 & under); €90 – Family (2 adults & 2 children, capped at €100 for three or more children). You can pay online at clubforce.com.