Lorrha Notes
Work continues on old Pallas Church in Rathcabbin
Best of Luck.
Tipperary senior camogie manager Bill Mullaney has named his 33 member training squad for the National Camogie League. The line up includes our own Lorrha club woman Clodagh McIntyre. We wish Clodagh the very best of luck along with her team mates, for the forthcoming season. Well done Clodagh.
Sympathy is extended to Mick Quinn and family, Rathcabbin, on the death of his sister Marie Mellon, Swinford which occurred on Saturday 23rd January. After funeral Mass in St. Luke’s Church, Meelick, Swinford, Mayo on Tuesday January 26th. burial took place in Meelick Cemetery. May she rest in peace.
Numbers Decreasing.
The numbers from the Covid-19 virus is beginning to ease very slightly with the death rate falling to 269 over a six day period last week, 73 less than the six days the previous week. But that’s still a lot of death’s and far too many families left without loved ones because of this dreadful virus. The number of patients in ICU had fallen very slightly too over the same period but that still remains way too high while the number of new confirmed cases is also falling slowely.
Hospitals however are still under huge pressure and it will remain like that until the numbers fall a lot more. This is putting our front line workers under enormous pressure too and what a worrying time it is for them as they continue to give of their best in order to save lives. It’s highly unlikely that life will ever be the same again as we knew it prior to March 2020. We now know that wearing a mask for example prevents the spread of infection so we need to ask ourselves, will the wearing of masks be a new norm in the future? And so why not when it has proven itself to be so effective. Do continue to adhere to the public health guidelines and stay safe.
A Special Appeal.
Rathcabbin Hall committee are making a special appeal for your support right now. The community hall requires vital repairs to the roof. If repairs are not made unfortunately the hall will have to close. Due to Covid restrictions no fundraising can be held at the moment, which means the members are looking for support from the community. No matter how small of a donation it will all help. You can donate on line on our gofundme.com page. You can also donate by cash/cheque (envelopes are available in church porch and from Kelly’s shop or from any Hall Committee members). The committee are asking the public to please get behind them on this issue as no one wants to see the hall closing permanently. See report elsewhere in this paper.
Hold Firm.
Tipperary GAA have issued an online YouTube video of encouragement for supporters to stay safe during this Covid-19 pandemic. The video features, players, supporters, and well known personalities encouraging everyone to ‘hold firm, stay positive and we will beat this together’. The virtual message can be viewed on the usual GAA social media platforms on by following this link and its worth watching. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqVj1aTHbgE&feature=youtu.be.
Dog Control.
Gardai are asking all dog owners to secure their dog and make sure they know where their dog is at all times after a number of sheep attacks in recent weeks and as the lambing season gets underway.
Don’t Forget.
Don’t forget to purchase your copy of the 2021 Lorrha parish calendar while it is still available. You can purchase the calendar in the shop in Lorrha village, Mulrooney’s at The Ferry, O’Meara’s Super Valu Portumna, Boathouse, Salmons, Heenan’s Borrisokane, Flynn’s of Carrigahorig, Buckley’s Super Valu, Birr. The calendar as usual is packed with photos from the past and the present and makes a lovely gift for anyone whether living at home or abroad.
Church News.
Both Lorrha and Rathcabbin churches remain open for anyone wishing to pray privately. Weddings can have up to six guests and funerals can have ten people.
Masses are available online as follows:
Live at Borrisokane mass times- 7pm Saturday and 10:30am Sunday- and a recording from Fr Michael from Terryglass. Please check the following links: www.twitch.tv/borrisokaneparish. www.killaloediocese.ie/parish/borrisokane/. www.terryglass/kilbarron https://bit.ly/3bhnxfj Weekdays Masses on Webcam 10am.Tues, Thurs, Fri. from Borrisokane.
Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes.
As we prepare for the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes on Thursday 11th February, World Day of Prayer for the Sick, The Franciscan Pilgrimage & the Killaloe Diocesan Pilgrimage will host a Novena of Prayer which will be available on the parish webcam: www.ennisparish.com/webcam on weekdays starting Wed 3rd Feb at 7.30pm, Saturday 11am & Sunday 11.30am. The Novena will be conducted by Bro. Damian Casey OFM Franciscan Pilgrimage Director and Fr Tom Ryan Killaloe Pilgrimage Director.
Free Remote Tutoring.
Age Action’s getting started KIT programme provides free remote tutoring to older people to use the internet on their device. Please see the following link for further information or contact Age Action on 01-4756989 https://www.ageaction.ie/how-we-can-help/getting-started-kit.
Anniversary Masses.
Anyone wishing to book an anniversary mass please contact the Parish Office on 090-9747009. Both Fr Tom and Fr Michael are happy to include anniversaries in their weekend masses, in Terryglass by audio on Saturday evenings and on webcam on Sunday mornings in Borrisokane.
Marriage Preparation During Covid:
Accord CLG is providing a 4 hour facilitated virtual interactive programme for couples preparing for marriage. See Accord.ie or phone 01 5053112.
A Covid-19 support line is available for older people and is managed by ALONE, a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to the outbreak of the Coronavirus. Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary. The support line is open seven days a week, 8am – 8pm, by calling 0818 222 024. You can also contact the Samaritans: Ph: 116,123, Text 087 2609090, email jo@samaritans.ie . Pieta House: Ph 1800 247 247, text HELP to 51444. Aware: Ph. 1800 804 848, email supportmail@:aware.ie
Lending a Hand.
If anyone needs a helping hand during this latest Level 5 restrictions, Lorrha GAA club would like to offer their services whether it’s to collect groceries, collect prescriptions etc. Ring Joe Dolan (0879673124), Maureen Guinan (0872426965), Niall McIntyre (0857623158), David Fogarty (0872681134), Colm Kennedy (0868170633) all of whom will be happy to help.
GAA News.
There were 2 winners of this weeks lotto jackpot of €12,600. Congratulations to Noel & William Maher, and Eilish Reddan. The lucky numbers on 1 February were: 1-4-18-20. The Winning Promoters were: Madeleine Maher & Mulrooney’s Gala. Next Monday’s draw reverts to a jackpot of €3000 with a Match 3 pot of €100 so make sure you are in the draw. Thank you for your continued support.
GAA Vetting: All people who wish involved with underage teams in the coming year must ensure that they are vetted properly and that their vetting is up to date. This is up to and including the new U19 grade.
Membership: for 2021 is now due. Rates are unchanged from last year. €90 – Adult player; €50 – Minor/College student; €30 – Non-playing Adult (+€70 extra for gym membership); €20 – Juvenile (16 & under); €90 – Family (2 adults & 2 children, capped at €100 for three or more children). No player can play or train without having their membership paid. Membership can be paid to registrar Louise Mannion (087659887) or online on either of the websites clubforce.com or foireann.ie. Contact Maureen (0872426965) if you are having issues signing up.
Lotto: The jackpot is at €3,000 with a Match 3 pot of €100. You can play online at clubforce.com. Lotto envelopes can be dropped off at the clubhouse, Mulrooney’s The Ferry, Kelly’s Rathcabbin, or at the Scéal shop Lorrha. If you need Lotto envelopes, contact chairman Joe Dolan (0879673124), Hubert Duggan (0872185995) or Kevin Molloy (0876738986).
Helping hand: Contact Joe Dolan (0879673124), Maureen Guinan (0872426965), Tom Kennedy (0879191689), Louis McCormack (0868493595), Colm Kennedy (0868170633) if a helping hand is needed. Support local business if you can.