Lorrha Notes
Martin Kennedy pictured here at a function held in his honor in Rathcabbin Hall recently to mark his retirement as postman. See local papers for full story.
The Annual General Meeting of North Tipp Ploughing will take place in The Yanks, Borrisokane on Wednesday night November 6th at 9.00pm. Looking forward to welcoming all existing members and new members welcome.
Church News.
Sunday Masses Redwood, 1st & 3rd Saturday’s at 6.30pm, Lorrha, 2nd, 4th & 5th Saturdays at 6.30pm. Rathcabbin, Sunday’s at 11.30am
Week Day Masses Monday 9.30am in Lorrha (no Mass on Bank Holidays) Intentions: During the month of November people are invited to place their petitions for their departed relatives in boxes provided in the churches.=
Sympathy is extended to Margaret O’Meara and family, (Abbeyville) on the death of her mother Agnes Brophy, Ballincur, Kinnitty in her 96th year, which occurred on Wednesday 30th October.
After funeral Mass in St. Flannan’s Church, Kinnitty on Saturday Nov. 2nd burial took place in St. Flannan’s cemetery. May she rest in peace.
Coming Soon.
Lorrha Variety Group present the John B. Keane play ‘Sharon’s Grave’ for three nights, on 22nd. 23rd and 24th November in Lorrha Community Hall. Watch this space for further details.
Rathcabbin Hall Notes:
Bootcamp Fitness Classes by Ignite Fitness every Monday, 7.30pm – 8.30pm in Rathcabbin Hall. €5 Pay as you go.
Yoga Classes starting in Rathcabbin Hall on Thursday 7th November for 6 weeks. 7-8pm. Contact Kristina Gill for details 0858566541
North Tipp Hospice Fundraiser.
The organizers of the Live Music Event which took place in Friars Park, Lorrha in September, wish to extend thanks to everyone who helped in so many ways. A special mention to all who gave their time to entertain with music, song and dance. A cheque for €651 was handed over to North Tipp Hospice recently.
Many thanks from Lorrha Development, to all who have loaned their photographs for the 2020 edition of the Lorrha Parish Calendar. Also, sincere thanks to everyone who has advertised their business through the calendar which is now with the printers, and will be soon on the shop shelves.
Christmas Market & Auction.
The Annual Christmas Market and Auction will be held on the first Sunday in December which this year falls on Sunday 1st December in Lorrha Community Hall. Volunteers are required to help in the preparation and the running of the event.
Anyone wishing to donate items for the auction such as fuel, fodder etc. please call (086) 8493595. Anyone wishing to book a table for the market, please call (086) 8647166.
Extended Services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Our next clinic will be Wed 6th November 2019 from 10:00am to 4:00pm in Tyone Health Centre, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary. For more information contact 061-467494
Climate Change Conference.
Banagher College are hosting a Climate change 2020 plus mini conference on 15th November from 7 to 9.00pm with guest speaker Duncan Stewart of Eco Eye. Also attending will be Alastair McKinstry Climate Scientist, An Taisce, Green Offaly, representatives from local industry and Green School students. Admission is free and all are welcome. Enquiries to 05791 51323 or bhassett@bccns.ie.