Lorrha Notes
Eva Noyce and Fiona Kennedy in rehearsals for Rathcabbin Players forthcoming comedy
Better Late Than Never.
Rathcabbin Players are busy rehearsing for their forthcoming production written by Jimmy Keary and directed by Marian Frawley ‘Better Late Than Never’. The play will be staged for four night’s only this year, Thursday night January 31st to Sunday night Feb.3rd. Keep the date in your diary. Rathcabbin Players extend sympathy to Mike Hoctor and family on the death of his mother in-law Ellen Shortall, Stradbally which occurred on Sunday 6th Jan. May she rest in peace.
Church News.
Please Note that all details of Mass times, dates and contact numbers are detailed on the parish web site www.lorrhadorrha.ie under local info and Churches.
Mass will be celebrated in Redwood Church on Saturday January 19th at 6.30pm and in Rathcabbin the following day at 11.30am.
Killaloe Diocese Lourdes Pilgrimage 2019.
The 63rd Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes from the Diocese of Killaloe under the leadership of Bishop Fintan Monahan will leave Shannon Airport on Tuesday 25th June returning Sunday 30th June. £725pps full board with £20 discount for online booking. Special section for assisted pilgrims with details from Fr Tom Ryan, Cathedral Ennis 087-2349816 . All other bookings to joewalshtours.ie
Easter 2019 Pilgrimage.
St. Pio Easter Pilgrimage to San Giovanni Rotondo and Benevento from April 22nd for 4 nights €649 per person sharing and included Airport transfers with guide assistance. One night in Benevento, 3 nights in San Giovanni Rotondo full board. For bookings or enquiries call group leader Michael O’Connor on (087) 2677656.
A Day of Prayer in Knock.
A day of Prayer will be given by Fr. Kilian Byrne on Saturday February 2nd from 10.00am to 5.00pm in Knock Shrine – St. John’s Rest and Care Centre. The theme is “Lord to whom shall we go?” The day includes, Talks, Rosary, Adoration, Mass. For further Information call Helen on 086 1678027 or email hellywilliams@gmail.com.
St. Pio Mass.
St Padre Pio Mass will be celebrated in St. Brendan’s Church Birr on Thursday night January 17th. Rosary at 7.00pm and Mass at 7.30pm. All welcome.
2019 Lorrha Parish Calendar.
If you haven’t got your copy of the 2019 Lorrha Dorrha calendar you can still get one from The Friar’s Tavern, Colettes Hair Salon, Pat Hough’s Pub, Shop, Flynns of Carrigahorig, Ferry Service Station, Ferry Inn. Portumna: O’Meara’s Super Valu, Lorraine’s Hair Salon, Salmons Newsagents, Boathouse. Birr: Buckley’s Super Valu and Heenan’s in Borrisokane.
Fundraising Raffle.
Rathcabbin Community Hall Ltd. are holding a raffle to raise funds to keep the hall open into the future. Locals will be selling tickets (€5) over the coming weeks and the draw will take place on Sun 3rd Feb. in the hall.
Please support this wonderful community resource in our parish. Tickets can also be purchased by contacting Muireann Brophy.
Thank you to our generous prize sponsors, 1st Prize: Eoin Smyth, T&T Contractors, 2nd Prize: Keith Naylor, Naytar, 3rd Prize: Ciaran Young, Hire Agri.
Local Link New Bus Service
Serving Lorrha to Birr on Fridays. This new service will also cover the following areas to Birr every Friday, Lorrha, Moatfield, Redwood, Rathcabbin, Killeen(Riverstown), Birr.
First pick up in Lorrha at 10am & drop off 11am. Departing Birr at 2pm (times are approximate). This is a demand responsive & door to door service which means passengers wishing to travel can register with us & book their trip. Please contact us on 076-106-6140 to register or to receive more information about this service or existing services in your area.
When cleaning out your wardrobe to make room for the new collection, please remember Lorrha Development/Tidy Towns who continue to collect unwanted clothes throughout the year. Items of clothing must be clean and dry and in good condition please and we can supply bags if you want. We can also collect to make it easy for you, just call (086) 8647166, (086) 8493595 or (087) 2601413 with your name and details. Please note we cannot accept Duvets, bedding, household linen, pillows, cushions, carpets, rugs and mats including bath toilet and shower mats soiled or wet clothing but good quality unwanted clothing for re-use (not recycling). All money raised from all fundraising ventures is used for the ongoing work around Lorrha Village. Many thanks for your continued support.
Oscar Winning Film.
Shorelines Film Night present the foreign language Oscar winning film ‘A Fantastic Woman’ in The Boathouse Bar Portumna at 8pm Tuesday 15th January. Tickets €5 at the door. More info at www.shorelinesartsfestival.com
Table Quiz.
Tennis Club Table Quiz, Friday February 1st @ 8:30pm in The Boathouse, Portumna. Proceeds going towards upgrading the club entrance.
Raffle & spot prizes on the night.
(€40 per table of 4).(Students €20 per table). All welcome. Checkout Facebook or txt 087-3906067 for further info.
GRETB Portumna College of Adult &Further Education (Old VEC): Places available on QQI* certified courses, registrations ongoing.Employability Skills, Computers, Healthcare, Business with Tourism, Retail, Spanish, Horticulture, EOSL, Crafts – Sewing, Genealogy Family History, Introduction to Sign Language QQI. Speech & Drama, Singing. *For 2019 -2020 NUIG has 200 places available in many degreecourses for Adults with QQI/Fetac Level 5 or 6. Contact Michael 0876258696/09097 41946 michael.cunniffe@gretb.ie, Patricia Geoghegan 090 9759092 irdheritageproject@eircom.net. or Lynne Morrissey 090 9759092 irdheritageproject@eircom.net.
“ Betwixt and Between”
Lusmagh Drama Group presents “ Betwixt and Between”- a comedy by MJ. Ginelly in Lusmagh Hall on the 17th, 18th, & 19th of January at 8pm. Booking line open Monday to Friday 6pm – 9pm on 087 3154961.