
Lorrha Notes

Lorrha Development/Tidy Towns Annual Christmas Market and Auction will take place on Sunday 2nd December from 1.00pm. Auction at 2.30pm and Santa arriving for his usual walk about at 3.00pm. Loads of stalls inside with auction of fuel, fodder, meal etc. outside. Something for everyone on the day. For information please call (086) 8493595, (086) 8647166 or (090) 9747196 Anyone willing to help out on the day please call above numbers. This is the group’s tenth year to run such an event and as it is the only main fundraiser in the year, the group depend on your generosity to survive. Support and help for the event is always appreciated and welcomed.

Lorrha Variety Group present a brand new play ‘Come Date With Me’ which has been written by local woman Anne Marie Hough and is produced by Phil Quigley. The group go on stage in Lorrha Community Hall on 23, 24 and 25 November. Doors open at 8.00 pm. Play starts at 8.30 pm sharp.

Annual Christmas Market & Auction.

Lorrha Development/Tidy Towns Annual Christmas Market and Auction will take place on Sunday 2nd December from 1.00pm. Auction at 2.30pm and Santa arriving for his usual walk about at 3.00pm. Loads of stalls inside with auction of fuel, fodder, meal etc. outside. Something for everyone on the day. For information please call (086) 8493595, (086) 8647166 or (090) 9747196 Anyone willing to help out on the day please call above numbers. This is the group’s tenth year to run such an event and as it is the only main fundraiser in the year, the group depend on your generosity to survive. Support and help for the event is always appreciated and welcomed.

Church News.

Please Note that all details of Mass times, dates and contact numbers are detailed on the parish web site www.lorrhadorrha.ie under local info and Churches. Vigil Mass in Lorrha Church on Saturday 24th November at 6.30p.m.
Blessing of graves at Bonaham Cemetery takes place on Sunday, 25th November after 11.30a.m. Mass.


Sympathy is extended to Agnes Slevin and family Lorrha on the unexpected death of her brother Paddy McDonald, Lusmagh on November 9th. After funeral Mass in St. Cronan’s Church Lusmagh on Thursday November 15th burial took place in Kilmachunna Cemetery, Lusmagh. May he rest in peace.
Sympathy is extended to the family and relatives of Brian Grogan, Castleknock, Dublin and late of Lorrha who died on November 14th.  After funeral Mass in Our Lady Mother of the Church Castleknock on Nov. 16th burial took place in Dardistown Cemetery. May he rest in peace.

Golfing AGM

R.A.G.S. golfing AGM will take place on Thursday night 29th November at 8.30pm in the Friar’s Tavern. All welcome.

The Future of Rathcabbin Hall.

A public meeting will take place on Wednesday night November 21st in Rathcabbin Hall at 8.00pm. to discuss the future of the Hall. As with all rural areas, the use of the hall is in decline with less groups and organizations using it.
So in order to discuss its future, please come to the meeting on November 21st  to decide if this valuable asset should be rejuvenated or allowed to close.

North Tipperary Ploughing AGM.

North Tipperary Ploughing A.G.M. will take place on Wednesday 28th November in the Yanks, Borrisokane at 8.30pm.  All members are requested to attend new members are welcome.

Afternoon Tea.

Redwood Castle is open to the public every Sunday from 2.00 to 5.00pm for afternoon tea. Booking is essential to Annette on (089) 4801888. They are also holding a Craft Fair on December 8th and 9th which is well booked up. For enquiries call the number above.


‘’Songs of Home and Family,’’ (originally scheduled for November 25th) will instead be presented in Rathcabbin church on Sunday, December 2nd. Richard was well known for his musical talent and his wonderful singing voice and keyboard accompaniment which he generously shared with many people during his life, in parishes of North Tipperary and across the whole diocese of Killaloe and further afield.

Redwood N.S.

We would like to thank all those who came to our Open Evening. It was a very enjoyable evening and well done to all the children for their participation. If anyone would like to arrange a viewing of the school or meet with the teachers with a view to enrolling their child in September 2019, please contact the school by email –  redwoodns@live.ie or call 090 9747186. Enrolment forms are also available from the school website www.redwoodns.ie


When cleaning out your wardrobe to make room for the new collection, please remember Lorrha Development/Tidy Towns who continue to collect unwanted clothes throughout the year. Items of clothing must be clean and dry and in good condition please and we can supply bags if you want. We can also collect to make it easy for you, just call (086) 8647166, (086) 8493595 or (087) 2601413 with your name and details. Please note we cannot accept Duvets, bedding, household linen, pillows, cushions, carpets, rugs and mats including bath toilet and shower mats soiled or wet clothing but good quality unwanted clothing for re-use (not recycling). All money raised from all fundraising ventures is used for the ongoing work around Lorrha Village. Many thanks for your continued support.

North Tipp Hospice Fundraiser.

Fundraising night for North Tipp Hospice on the 1st December in Tess Burkes Borrisokane Please support this worthy cause. Visit  facebook page with updates posted regularly   https://www.facebook.com/tessburkeshairfundRAZOR/
For further enquiries or anyone that would like to get involved please contact these girls as soon as possible,  Aideen Hogan on (087) 7845629 or Tara Donoghue on (086) 8937571.

Portumna Lawn Tennis:

The annual Table Quiz that was scheduled for Friday 30th November has been deferred. The committee will  inform everyone of the new date for the Table Quiz in early 2019. Apologies to all for the inconvenience caused. Checkout Facebook for all the updates. Club Morning Tennis every Sunday 10am-1pm. New members always welcome.

GAA News

Senior AGM: The Annual General Meeting has been fixed for Tuesday 18th December in the GAA Centre at 7.45pm. Anyone with any outstanding financial issues should contact treasurer Graham Houlihan and assistant Declan O’Meara asap before the books are compiled.

Juvenile AGM: has been rescheduled to Thursday 6thDecember at 7.30pm in the GAA Centre. Anyone interested in getting involved with helping juvenile teams in 2019 are asked to contact Tommy Kennedy 0879191689.

Christmas Party: The Club will be hosting a Christmas Party fundraiser in the GAA Centre on Thursday 27th December, with music by Tradstone and DJ Sean O’Meara. Tickets €20, with part of the funds going to Seamus Hennessy’s Running for Josie project supporting Pieta House and Tipperary Living Links. A great night is promised and the ideal event for those home for the Christmas period.

Auction: Our annual Auction has been fixed for Sunday 27th January 2019.

Tipperary GAA Clubs Draw: Next draw is in December. Thanks to all our subscribers and we ask all promoters to bring their accounts up to date in advance of the AGM.

Lotto: The jackpot is €7,950 with a Match 3 pot of €100. You can play online at www.locallotto.ie.

Social Dancing: in the GAA Centre on Friday to the music of Peter Burke. Dancing 9.30pm to 12.30am.

Sympathy: Lorrha GAA Club would like to sympathise with the Kinsella family on the death of Kevin Kinsella, Limerick who passed away recently. May he rest in peace.