
Lorrha Notes

Book Now for Rathcabbin Players production of Thy Will be Done. 

The number one event in your diary this coming week-end is to go along to Rathcabbin Players production of “Thy Will Be Done” which will take place over four nights 19th, 20th, 21, 22nd, in Rathcabbin Hall. The Players will also be back on stage on Saturday night 28th and Sunday 29th. Written by Michael Carey and produced by Marian Frawley from Portumna booking is essential on (087) 2360 096 between  6.00pm and 8.00pm daily . Doors open at 8.00 for curtain at 8.30pm sharp.

Church News.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament continues on Thursday’s from 10am to 8pm in Rathcabbin  Church. We invite all parishioners to come and stay a while in the presence of Jesus.


Sympathy is extended to the relatives of Dick Murray, late of Carrigahorig, Lorrha who died suddenly on January 12th  in Portumna Retirement Village. After funeral Mass on Sunday last, burial took place in Castletown Cemetery, Moneygall. May he rest in peace.

Rathcabbin First Responders.

An information evening for all members will take place on Monday Jan. 23rd at 7.30pm in Rathcabbin Hall followed by a refresher course in CFR with David McEvoy. New members welcome. Please contact Martina on (087) 2922783 for further details.

Lorrha First Responders Group.

Now that the defibilator is installed in Lorrha Village, we need to set up First Responder Group.  A meeting has been arranged for this coming Wednesday, 18th January, in the Community Hall Lorrha at 8.30pm.  Anyone interested please attend.  If you cannot attend and want to make a difference to someone’s life and want to join the group and want training, please contact Ruth on 0879463749 or Nancy on 0877613458.

Novice Ploughing:

North Tipperary Ploughing is organizing a Novice Ploughing competition on Saturday 4th March 2017 for both male and female between the age of 16 and 35 years. Anyone interested is asked to contact Denis Cahalan on (087) 7793719, John Cahalan on (087) 7975878 or Eamon Dermody on (087) 2600738.

Lorrha Camogie

Our medal presentation for our Junior Camogie league winners will take place this Friday evening 20th Jan from 9.30 in the Ferry Inn. We invite everyone to join us to celebrate on what promises to be a great night.

Training:  Junior training will continue with circuits on Friday evenings in the sports complex in Moatfield at 8.45 from Friday 27th January. All players are asked to attend and new players are always welcome and encouraged to come along.

Christmas market:  Many thanks to all those who supported our recent fundraiser at the Lorrha Christmas market. The winners of our ‘Guess the number of balloons’ were 1st prize: Voucher for David Broderick sports therapy- Ronan King, 2nd prize: Hamper from Naylors Car Dismantlers- Lisa Duggan, 3rd prize: EJCO hamper Pauline McIntyre, there were spot prize winners on the day also. Thanks to all those who baked and bought cakes at our cake sale. Thanks also to Portumna Hire Agri for the use of their New Holland tractor to fill with balloons on the day and to all our sponsors for their fantastic support. Happy new year to all from Lorrha Camogie!

Milford Care Centre:

A 10 km Walk/ Jog/ Run will take place on Sunday, January 29th at the University of Limerick with a start time of 12 noon.  The 10km is open to runners and walkers of all levels and ability with all proceeds going directly to Milford Hospice. Participants will congregate on the UL Plaza for warm up prior to starting, winding its way round the campus and Plassey Road before finishing on the UL track. It is an official AAI measured route.  Cash prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places both male and female categories.  To register online visit www.eventmaster.ie or you can register on Saturday 28th from 12noon to 3pm in the Reception of the UL Arena. Any queries contact the Fundraising Department, Milford Hospice on 061 485859/ 585860. Your support is gratefully appreciated.

Spring De-Clutter.

When cleaning out your wardrobe to make room for the spring collection, please remember Lorrha Development/Tidy Towns who continue to collect unwanted clothes throughout the year. Items of clothing must be clean and dry and in good condition please and we can supply bags if you want. We can also collect to make it easy for you, just call (086) 8647166, (086) 8493595 or (087) 2601413 with your name and details. Please note we cannot accept Duvets, bedding, household linen, pillows, cushions, carpets, rugs and maths including bath toilet and shower math’s, soiled or wet clothing. All money raised from all fundraising ventures is used for the ongoing work around Lorrha Village which helps to keep two adults employed. Many thanks for your continued support.


Portumna Arts Group & Shorelines Festival AGM  will be held on Thursday night January 26th at 8pm in the Portumna Retirement Village. All very welcome — please do come along if you are interested in getting involved or contact a committee member.

Used Stamps. 

The ISPCC receives less than 10% government funding, yet we are the only organisation in Ireland providing a 24 hour listening support service for children and young people. You can help us support our services by turning your used stamps into money. All you need to do is put your used stamps into an envelope and send to: ISPCC, 29 Lower Baggot St., Dublin 2. There’s no need to lift them off the envelope, but if you have time to trim them leave a 1cm margin all around. Even a little stamp can make a difference.

GAA News

Auction: will take place on Sunday 29th January in Moatfield at 2.00pm. Timber cutting is well underway and any help over the next three weeks would be appreciated.

Membership: for 2017 is now due. €90 – Adult player; €50 – Minor/College student; €30 – Non-playing Adult (+€70 extra for gym membership); €20 – Juvenile (16 and under); €90 – Family (2 adults and 2 children, capped at €100 for three or more children).

Closing date for membership for all adult and juvenile players is the last day of February to be insured in training and games while the closing date for all membership is 31st March. It is important to remember that our total number of adult members by 31st March is the number the County Board will use towards our ticket allocations for Tipperary games so it is in your interest to have membership paid by then. Membership can be paid to club registrar Louise Mannion or can also be done online at www.locallotto.ie. Members can also log onto www.grma.gaa.ie to get their new GAA Rewards card.

Referees: If anyone in the club wishes to become a referee and is interested in doing a referee course then can you please contact Shane Brophy on 0876989612.

Lotto: Our jackpot is €3,600 with a Match 3 pot of €100. You can play our lotto online at www.locallotto.ie.