
Lorrha Notes


 Congratulations is extended to Dr Shane Murray, son of Margaret and Frank, Portland, Lorrha, who was conferred recently with an Honours Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery degree by University of Leicester.  Shane also received the Phillip Hammersley Gold Medal 2016, and the BMA Prize for Clinical Excellence 2016. Well done Shane and the best of luck in the future.                                                                   


Congratulations to Leanne Sullivan from Redwood who won  the Connemara under 9 years Irish dancing championships which were held on Saturday last. A student with “Stephanie Power School of Irish Dance”, out of the first four dances, Leanne won three and secured a second place in the fourth. Well done Leanne.

New Arrival.

Congratulations and every good wish is extended to Pat and Clare Bourke, Rathcabbin on the birth of their son William James who arrived into the world on September 20th. A little brother for Marie Clare, Julie, Patrick and Thomas. Well done to all.


Tipperary County Council Library Service invites you to attend the annual Tipperary people and places lecture series, which returns to Tipperary studies, The Source, Cathedral St., Thurles for its tenth series this winter. The Lectures take place on the third Tuesday of each month commencing in October and running until March 2017 at 7.30pm. Admission is free, tea will be served and all is welcome. For further information contact Mary Guinan Darmody or John O’Gorman on (076) 1066123 or email: studies@tipperarycoco.ie

Tidy Towns

Congratulations and well done to Lorrha Development / Tidy Towns committee who gained a further four marks in this year’s competition. A very encouraging and favourable report was received with the adjudicator commenting that ‘it is always a treat to stroll around this lovely village and enjoy some wonderful structures that host unique architectural qualities’. Community Involvement & Planning, Wildlife, Habitats and Natural Amenities, Residential Streets & Housing Areas, Sustainable Waste and Resource Management were the four categories where one point each was gained. The committee wish to thank everyone who helped in whatever way in keeping up this high standard which does make a difference for all who live in and around the village. A special thanks to the hard working lads on the scheme John, Michael and Tommy and to the overseeing committee who volunteer loads of time throughout the year. The committee would like to take this opportunity to extend get well wishes to John Milne who is recovering from an operation.

Lorrha School Welcomes Liam

Our very own Bonner Maher along with two more Lorrha men, Brian Hogan and selector John Madden, brought the Liam McCarthy cup and the Munster cup to our school last week. They were accompanied by Development officer Paudie Malone.  Our pupils entertained the attendance with music and they had their own version of the Lorrha Rap which was most enjoyable.  Pupils had the opportunity to talk to the lads, get signatures on their jerseys and hurl and have their photograph taken. Parishioners joined in along with parents and grandparents to make the occasion memorable. Bonner recalled his time spent in the school and hitting a ball around the school pitch. We extend thanks to him and to Brian and John and we especially wish Bonner the very best of luck when he travels to Syria later this week on his tour of duty with the Irish Troops. We look forward to his return home and to continuing his career with Tipp hurling. Many thanks to all the adults who turned out in such fine numbers.  Congratulations to all the pupils who participated in the Schools Cross Country Championships which were held in Thurles last week. Well done to all.

Safe Trip.

A safe trip is extended to Lorrha’s Patrick ‘Bonner’ Maher when he travels to the Golan Heights this week on a tour of duty with the Irish Army. We wish him well and look forward to his safe return in six month’s time.

Church News.

Please note that the Rosary will be recited before Mass during the month of October. A day for sacristans will take place in St. Ruadhan’s Church, Lorrha on Saturday October 8th from 10.30am to 3.00p.m. For details send a S.A.E. to Fr. Pat Mulcahy P.P. Lorrha. Those who are interested in being more involved and active in the parish are also invited to attend. Next Friday, 7th October is the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary and is also the First Friday of the month. Mass in Rathcabbin Church at 7.30p.m. This will be Mass of Enrolment for children and parents of those,  in this Parish, who will receive the Sacrament of Communion for Life    –   formerly known as First Holy Communion.


Sympathy is extended to Annie Cowan, Lorrha on the death of her sister Teresa McKenna, Borrisokane who died recently. May she rest in peace.

Art Classes.

Arts & Crafts for children (5 years up) on Saturdays at 4.00 and 5.30pm, starting on October 8th for 8 weeks. Drawing for children (9 years up) on Wednesdays at 7.15pm, starting on October 5th in Bramble Art Studio, Lorrha , for 8 weeks. Please contact Ute: 087-9151356 or 090 9747127 Early booking advisable.

Isla Grant Concert.

The Parish Pastoral Council are organising a concert with Isla Grant, to take place in Rathcabbin Church. To book your seat contact Betty at (087) 6667374 or Oliver at (087) 4159585.

First Aid at Redwood NS

A certified first aid course including CPR and AED will be held in Redwood NS on Wednesday, 12th October at 7p.m. The course costs €35 per person and will be certified for 2 years. Booking essential on 090 9747186 or redwoodns@live.ie.

Autumn De-Clutter.

When cleaning out your wardrobe to make room for the autumn collection, please remember Lorrha Development/Tidy Towns who continue to collect unwanted clothes throughout the year. Items of clothing must be clean and dry and in good condition please and we can supply bags if you want. We can also collect to make it easy for you, just call (086) 8647166, (086) 8493595 or (087) 2601413 with your name and details. Please note we cannot accept Duvets, bedding, household linen, pillows, cushions, carpets, rugs and maths including bath toilet and shower math’s, soiled or wet clothing. All money raised from all fundraising ventures is used for the ongoing work around Lorrha Village which helps to keep two adults employed. Many thanks for your continued support.

GAA News.


Under 21: We are drawn in a group with Portroe, Borrisokane and Ballinahinch/Templederry and the championship gets underway this Sunday 9th October at 11.30am against Borrisokane in Borrisokane

Liam MacCarthy Cup visits Lorrha: The Liam MacCarthy Cup visited the parish last Tuesday with Patrick Maher, Brian Hogan and John Madden bringing the All Ireland trophy to Lorrha, Redwood and Rathcabbin National Schools, as well as Killeen NS, where Brian Hogan went to school. It also paid a visit to St Kieran’s Nursing Home while later in the evening at the Clubhouse, all our juvenile players were able to get their hands on the trophy before a special event later in the night where special presentations were made to our three heroes by chairman Graham Downes while local All Ireland Fleadh winner William Holmes was also present to play some tunes. The club would like to thank Bonner, Brian and John for giving their time on the day with thousands of photos being taken by very happy Tipperary supporters. The club would also like to wish Patrick Maher the very best as he leaves this week for his six month tour of duty to the Middle East with the Irish Army.

Tipperary Clubs Draw: The October draw takes place on Friday 14th October in Templemore. All promoters are asked to bring their accounts up to date.

Lotto: Our jackpot is now €10,800 with a Match 3 pot of €100. Thank you for your continued support. You can play our lotto online at www.locallotto.ie where it is easy to play every week. Tickets are €2 each or three for €5.

Social Dancing: on Friday night to the music of Michael Sexton. Dancing 9.30pm to 12.30am.

Sympathy: Lorrha GAA Club would like to sympathise with the Morris family, Nenagh on the death of Jane Devaney, who passed away last week. May she rest in peace.