
Lorrha Notes

Lorrha Development & Historical Society members met recently with Heritage people. Front from left: Rose Mannion (Chairperson Lorrha Development Association) Marian Carey (Heritage Officer North Tipp Co.Co.) Sinead Deignan (Heritage Irl) Dr. Joseph Flahive (Heritage Irl) Mary Coen (Lorrha Development Secretary). Back: Pat O’Brien David Power Eileen Mannion.
Late William Reddish

The sudden death took place on Saturday March 10th at his residence of William Reddish Ballea Rathcabbin. Bill was a popular and well liked member of the local community where he was born and raised and he was the last surviving member of his family. A quiet inoffensive hard working farmer he was a great neighbour who was always willing to help where needed. He liked music and chatting with the neighbours wherever he met them. He will be sadly missed by all but in particular by his family. Sympathy is extended to his wife Betty son Liam daughters Mary Catherine Helen Martina Ann and Elizabeth sons-in-law grandchildren great-grandchildren brother- in-law sister-in-law nephews nieces relatives neighbours and friends. After funeral Mass in Our Lady Queen of Ireland Church Rathcabbin on Tuesday 13th March burial took place afterwards in Bonoham Cemetery Rathcabbin. May he rest in peace.

Late Mary Griffiths.

The death took place recently in Llandudno Wales of Mary Griffiths formerly O’Sullivan of Lords Park Rathcabbin at the great age of 94.
Like so many of her generation Mary sought a better life for herself and so she moved from Rathcabbin to Dublin in the early 1930’s and after a short while there she moved to Llandudno in Wales where some time later she met and married John Griffith’s. Together they ran a hotel called the ‘Argyle’ as they raised their two sons. Unfortunately Mary was never to return home to Ireland.
She was predeceased by her husband John and by her son John. Burial took place in her adopted Llandudno. Mary is survived by her son and granddaughter’s and her brothers Jimmy (Cork) and Davy (Llandudno) many nieces nephews and relatives in Rathcabbin Coolderry Portumna Birr and Dublin.
A Remembrance Mass will be held on Sunday 8th April at 11.30 in Our Lady Queen of Ireland Church Rathcabbin. May she rest in peace.


Sympathy is extended to the family and relatives of the late Kathleen Hourigan Roscrea who was buried recently in Bonaham and also to the family and relatives of the late Sr. Anne-Marie Sherlock Dublin and late of Coolross Rathcabbin who also died recently. May they rest in peace.

Annual Display Reminder.

Lorrha Apostolic Work society are holding their annual display on Sunday March 25th in Lorrha Community Hall from 2 to 6p.m. All are invited to come along and view the members great work and also join them for a cup of tea. All welcome.

Clocks Go Forward.

With the clocks going forward to summertime this coming week-end you are asked to note the following changes in Mass time. Lorrha Sunday 25th at 10.00a.m. Rathcabbin remains the same at 11.30 a.m. Redwood Church Vigil Mass on Saturday night’s at 8p.m. commencing March 31st.

Open Day Reminder.

Open Day in Lorrha National School will be held this Wednesday 21st March from 1.00 to 3.00p.m. Present and new parents welcome. Application for enrolment for pupils commencing September can be collected at the school or call (090) 9747295.

Energy Tip For The Week.

The energy tip for this week from the green school committee in Scoil Lua Naofa Lorrha is only use the dishwasher/dryer/washing machine when you have a full load.

Birthday Greetings.

Congratulations and best wishes is extended to Edel Cunningham Portland on the occasion of her 21st birthday. Edel celebrated the occasion last week-end with family and friends in the Ferry Inn Lorrha. Well done Edel.

St. Ruadhan’s Active Retirement.

We would like to thank all our outgoing committee members for the great work carried out on behalf of our members. We welcome our new chairman Tim Kelly vice chair Barry O’Brien and new committee Lily Darcy Marie O’Meara Mary Kelly.

Lorrha Development Association Reminder.

A reminder that a public meeting will take place in Lorrha Community Hall on Thursday night March 22nd at 8p.m. for the purpose of discussing the use of Friars Park drawing up of an agreed set of rules for its use and matters relating to care / maintenance in the village.

National Rally.

There is a National Assembly of the Campaign against household water and septic tank taxes on March 24th in the National Stadium on the South Circular Rd Dublin 8 starting at 1pm. It is open to all and there will be buses coming from right across the country. A bus from this area will be provided free of charge but you must book your seat. If interested in traveling on the bus please call Seamus Healy T.D constituency office at (052) 6121883 (087) 2802199 or email seamus.healy@oir.ie This Assembly will bring together the campaign right across the country and launch the final push before the registration deadline. The Government threats can be defeated if we stand together. Make sure to be there!

Rags Golf.

The local golfing club Rags held their AGM recently at which our plans for the coming year were unveiled. Congrats and best of luck for the year to Colm Burke the new incoming captain. This year we want to encourage new and lapsed members to join whether you’re a regular golfer or just starting off all are welcome.
Membership for the year is 15 Euro for individuals or 25 Euro where multiple family members play. We will play the following courses starting with Portumna 24th March 8.30am-9.45am East Clare April 28th 10am-11am Mounthrath 2nd June 9am-10am Roscrea 7th July 9am-10am Loughrea 4th Aug 9am-10am. Our away outing will be Naas where We We will play Athy and K-Club (Palmer).For further details contact Colm 086 6005058.

Public Meeting.

A public meeting in support of the retention of vital services and future development of Dean Maxwell nursing unit Roscrea will be held on Thursday 22nd March at 8.00p.m. in the Damer Court Hotel Roscrea. Your support is vital.

Starting Your Own Business.

A srart your own business course will commence in Birr on Thursday 22nd March. Running over six consecutive Thursday evenings until the 26th April from 7 to 10.00p.m. Course fee is 70 euro or free to social welfare recipients. For further information contact County Offaly Enterprise Board on (057) 9352971 or visit www.offalyceb.ie.

Smile Awhile.

Paddy McCoy an elderly Irish farmer received a letter from the Department for Work & Pensions stating that they suspected he was not paying his employees the statutory minimum wage and they would send an inspector to interview them.

On the appointed day the inspector turned up.
"Tell me about your staff" he asked Paddy.
"Well" said Paddy "there’s the farm hand I pay him 340 euro a week and he has a free cottage.
Then there’s the housekeeper. She gets 240 euro a week along with free board and lodging.
There’s also the half-wit. He works a 16 hour day does 90% of the work earns about 25 euro a week along with a bottle of whisky and as a special treat occasionally gets to sleep with my wife."

"That’s disgraceful" said the inspector "I need to interview the half-wit."

"That’ll be me then" said Paddy.