
Lorrha Notes

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Secretary of North Tipp Ploughing Denis Cahalan lets a flare off to signal the commencement of the 51st Annual Championships which was held in dreadful weather conditions on Sunday March 6th on the lands of Brendan and Mairead Tierney Terryglass by kind permission.

Open Day.

Lorrha National School will hold their open day on Thursday March 10th from 2 to 4pm.  This is an ideal opportunity to view the school and meet the staff, so all are welcome. If parents are unavailable on that day please contact the school and we can arrange a time that suits you. Enrolment forms for September available by calling (090) 9747295 or email: luanaofa@eircom.net. Bus service is available to transport pupils to and from school.

Church News.

On Saturday 23rd April, at 8.00pm Mass in Redwood  Mrs Mary O’Meara will be presented with a Bene Merenti  award for her services as sacristan. On Friday 29th April at 8.00pm Mass in Rathcabbin Church where Mrs Eileen Mannion and Richard Bourke will receive the Bene Merenti award for many years of talented service given to the parish in the music ministry. For more information contact 090 9747067 or 087 4125651.
Please Note:  We are recruiting new Eucharistic Ministers for all three churches.   If you are willing to serve in this ministry, please inform Fr.Pat.   New Eucharistic Ministers will be commissioned at Mass on Holy Thursday night.  On that evening existing ministers will be invited to renew their commitment for another year. During the Season of Lent  we will continue to recite the Rosary before Sunday/Vigil  Mass in our churches. Lenten Station Mass for people of the Parish on Wednesday next, 9th March  at 7.30p.m. in Rathcabbin Church.    Confessions beforehand.  This Station Mass is for all three areas – Lorrha, Rathcabbin and Redwood.

School Enrolment.

Enrolment of new junior infants for September, 2016 is now taking place in Rathcabbin N.S.   Please contact the School at telephone number  –  057  – 9139008.
Table Quiz.  Rathcabbin N.S. are holding a fundraising table quiz on Thursday night March 11th. in Kelly’s Rathcabbin at 9pm. Please support.

Lorrha Camogie:

Well done to the Junior team on winning their first league match against Silvermines. The next league match is due to be played Easter Monday against Ballina. Training continues this Wednesday evening at 7pm. Membership is now due and all players should pay membership as soon as possible.
Fundraiser: We will be holding our church gate collection shortly, we ask everyone to please support generously.

Spring De-Clutter.

Thinking of clearing out the wardrobe to make room for the Spring collection? Lorrha Development/ Tidy Towns continue with unused clothes collection throughout the Winter months. De-clutter your wardrobe, attack your attic, recycle all unwanted/unused items of clothing to make room for your Spring collection. We will accept any kind of bag or in bags provided by the committee. We can collect your unwanted items. Just call or text  (086) 8647166, (086) 8493595 or (086) 8355405 with your name and details. Please note we cannot accept Duvets, bedding, household linen, pillows and cushions, carpets, rugs and mats (including bath, shower and toilet mats), soiled or wet clothing. We appreciate your support. All money raised from all fundraising ventures is used for the ongoing work around Lorrha Village which helps to keep two adults employed.


Shannon Rangers soccer club will host Brendan Grace in concert on in Coolbawn Quay on Thursday night March 10th at 8pm. The organisers are asking for your support and you won’t be disappointed with Brendan on stage. Information and tickets from (087) 8120841 or (087) 7423990.

Shorelines Table Quiz – Friday, March 11th

On Friday March 11th, come along to the annual Table Quiz in aid of Shorelines Arts Festival 2016 in the Boathouse Bar. Starting at 8.30 pm, there will be a great variety of questions and prizes to be won. Adults: €10 and Students: €5. Please support the local arts group who are planning another super arts festival September 15th-18th.

Spring Celebration Concert – Friday, March 18th

Swing into Spring – a concert to celebrate music & words with Omna Singers, Portumna Pen Pushers and local guests including Miriam Donoghue, Anna Browne, Mary Smith, Anne McGhee, Muirne Goode & friends, Treeny Hogan-Canning, Eric Flaherty and Laura Byrne. This fundraising event for Portumna Arts Group will take place on Friday, March 18th in Portumna’s Christ Church 8pm-10pm. Tickets at €10 available from March 1st at Hayes & Hayes Pharmacy, The Cottage Store Antiques, Palmerston Stores, Ladies Day and The Beehive. Seating limited so get your ticket soon.

Bee Keeping Meeting.

Anyone interested in beekeeping can attend a meeting in Lorrha hall on Wed 16th  March at 8 pm. Basic beekeeping and honey production will be covered.