Lorrha Notes
Sgt. Niall Wilcox from the Army Barracks. Limerick on his visit to Lorrha N.S. recently with the Irish flag and Irish Proclamation. Visit the school web site and view more photographs at www.lorrhans.ie
Speech & Drama Lessons.
Pre-school Speech and Drama lessons will take place on Thursdays starting on November 5th from 3.10 to 4.00pm for 3-4 year olds, in Lorrha N.S. Please ring (090) 9747295 to enrol your child.
Church News.
Mass times for winter months will be as follows: Lorrha on Sundays at 10.00a.m. Rathcabbin on Sundays at11.30a.m. and in Redwood on Saturday evenings at 7.30p.m. – commencing Saturday, 31st October.
Zombie Mile for Temple Street
On October 30th there will be a charity zombie mile taking place at the athletics track in Borrisokane. We need to raise vital funds for Temple Street Hospital so please have some fun, dress up like a zombie and join us on the night. The mile will start at 7pm so grab as many zombie family and friends you can find and do your part. Donations on the night.
50th Wedding Anniversary.
Congratulations is extended to Anna May and Martin Corrigan, Portland on the occasion of their 50th wedding Anniversary which they celebrated last week-end with their family. Well done to you both and continued best wishes for the future.
Calendar Launch.
Prior to the launch of the 2016 Lorrha & Dorrha parish calendar on Saturday night November 7th. in The Ferry Inn, a three course meal will be served at 8pm sharp. Anyone interested in joining us for a great night of good food and wonderful entertainment with music by the popular Puca Lane is asked to contact Mary on (087) 2601413 or Rose on (086) 8647166 on or before Thursday November 5th .
Date For Your Diary.
The annual Lorrha Christmas Market and Auction will take place as like previous years, on the first Sunday in December which falls this year on the 6th. We will be having all the usual fun of the fair as well as the auction for fuel, fodder etc. Anyone wishing to donate items for the auction can contact Louis on (086) 8493595 or any member of the committee. Anyone wishing to book a table for the market can contact Mary at (090) 9747196 or Liz at (090) 9747893 or any member of the committee.
Recruitment Service.
Employ Ability Service North Tipperary is an employment and recruitment service which supports people with an illness, injury or disability to secure and maintain a job in the open labour market. If you would like to avail of this service please contact 067 37896 / 37897.
Winter De-Clutter.
Thinking of clearing out the wardrobe to make room for the Winter collection? Lorrha Development/ Tidy Towns continue with unused clothes collection throughout the Winter months. De-clutter your wardrobe, attack your attic, recycle all unwanted/unused items of clothing to make room for your Winter collection. We will accept any kind of bag or in bags provided by the committee. We can collect your unwanted items. Just call or text (086) 8647166, (086) 8493595 or (086) 8355405 with your name and details. Please note we cannot accept Duvets, bedding, household linen, pillows and cushions, carpets, rugs and mats (including bath, shower and toilet mats), soiled or wet clothing. We appreciate your support. All money raised from all fundraising ventures is used for the ongoing work around Lorrha Village which helps to keep two adults employed.
Monster Auction.
Portumna Rugby Pitch Development – Monster Auction on Sunday 1st November at 12.30pm in Portumna Mart. Items such as Turf, Timber, Animal Feedstuffs, Electrical Goods and much more will be available on the day. All proceeds are going towards the development of new playing facilities for everyone in the wider community to enjoy. Please come along and support.
Adult Education.
Portumna Adult Education &Training Time: 10am – 3pm Venue: Portumna College of Further Education, (Old VEC) St. Brigid’s Rd. Career guidance open day with qualified guidance counsellor.