
Lorrha Notes

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The Parents Association of St Anne’s Special Needs school in Roscrea were delighted to receive a cheque for €312 which was donated by the Church of Ireland, Lorrha following their Christmas Carol service. Leslie Harding presented the cheque recently on behalf of the Church of Ireland Lorrha  to Caitriona O’Donoghue Secretary of the Parents Association  and Fiona Bennett, Treasurer. 


Scoil Lua Naofa annual open day will take place this coming Saturday March 21st. from 2.00pm to 4.00p.m. This is an ideal opportunity for parents to meet and talk to the teachers and view the school. All are welcome.

The school are accepting enrolments for September and Enrolment forms are available from the school, by phone on (090) 9747295 or can be downloaded from our web site www.lorrhans.ie


Sympathy is extended to the Molloy families on the death of Johnny Molloy, England, late of Ballyoughter, Rathcabbin who died recently in England. May he rest in peace.

St. Ruadhan’s Active Retirement.

We are now arranging our summer outings and continue to meet on Wednesdays at 2.30pm in Lorrha Hall. If you would like to join us transport is available to pick up door to door. Looking forward to seeing new members.

Annual Display.

The Lorrha Apostolic Work Society Annual Display will be held in Lorrha Community Hall this coming Sunday 22nd March from 2 to 6p.m. Raffle tickets will be on sale and the committee hope you will come and view their work over the last twelve months and join them for a cup of tea. All welcome.

Ploughing Rescheduled.

The North Tipperary Ploughing Campionships which had to be cancelled because of the bad weather, will now take place on Sunday March 29th. You are invited to come along and join in the celebrations of the 50th Anniversary.

Church News.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every Thursday from 10am to 10pm in Rathcabbin  Church. We invite all parishioners to come and stay a while in the presence of Jesus.

Community/Lenten Walks

The Parish Pastoral Council/Liturgy Group organize community walks which will take place during the six weeks of Lent will continue on Sunday 22nd March with Assembly outside the Community Hall in Lorrha at 2.30pm. Everyone is welcome to come along and experience the benefits of getting together.

Childrens Session.

Maureen Brown will be hosting a childrens Traditional Irish music session in Kelly’s Rathcabbin from 6 to 8pm on Sunday March 22nd. All are welcome.

Rathcabbin N.S.

A huge thank you to everyone for supporting our annual table quiz, well done to the winners Tommy & Holmes Clan. A special thanks to Aidan McIntyre, our quizmaster on the night and to Kellys for hosting the event for the PA.

Well done to all the boys and girls on completing their IT course, they have produced great web pages and gained a lot of knowledge.

On Tuesday the pupils went to the indoor hurling skills event in Borrisokane CC with John O’Keeffe. It was a great day with Rathcabbin featuring high on the leader board.

The school will hold a book fair at the school before and after school from 13th March for a week, please support.

Spring  De-Clutter.

Thinking of clearing out the wardrobe to make room for the Spring collection? Lorrha Development/ Tidy Towns continue with unused clothes collection throughout the Spring  months. De-clutter your wardrobe, attack your attic, recycle all unwanted/unused items of clothing to make room for your Spring collection. We will accept any kind of bag or in bags provided by the committee. We can collect your unwanted items. Just call or text  (086) 8647166, (086) 8493595 or (086) 8355405 with your name and details. We appreciate your support. All money raised from all fundraising ventures is used for the ongoing work around Lorrha Village which helps to keep two adults employed.

Badminton Club Success.

Well done to the Lorrha Badminton Club who won their first Tipperary League competition recently when they beat Templemore in the final. The team of Martin Young (Captain), Elaine Hough,  Tadhg Nevin, Declan Ryan, Celine Cleary and Danielle Ryan have done very well considering that the club is not long in existence. We wish them the best of luck in the future.

Parenting Seminar.

The seminar is called “Raising Children’s Self-Esteem” by Psychologist Dr Tony Humphreys. It will take place in the Nenagh Arts Centre at 7.30pm on Tuesday, March 24th. It has been many years since Dr Humphreys came to Nenagh in this capacity. He will discuss the important ways in which parents and care-givers can help children to realise their own worth.  He is one of Ireland’s best known Psychologists. He has written many books including Understanding Teenagers and Self-Esteem: the Key to your Child’s Future. Tickets for this event are €10. They are available to buy; at the Nenagh Arts Centre, by phone (067)34400, or online on www.nenagharts.com. Dr Tony Humphreys website is www.tonyhumphreys.ie

Muck Run.

Lusmagh Camogie Club are hosting a 5km Muck Run on Easter Monday (6th April) at 12 noon in Stream Callows (Follow signs from sports field) Registration at 10.45am.  Adults €20 Students €15.   Kids course available also €10 (u14).  Limited spaces so arrive early. For more details see Lusmagh Muck Run on Facebook.   A fun filled afternoon guaranteed.

Looking for Families to host Italian Students in July 2015

VIVI L’IRLANDA is looking for local families to host Italian students, (12-14 years) from 6th-27th of July in the Portumna area. Attractive remuneration. Families with children is one of the main prerequisites. Contact D. O’Shea: 085-1925466, dunkellin01@gmail.com.