
Lorrha Notes

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Denise couldn’t think of anything to say to Eamonn !!!!!

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North Tipperary Ploughing Chairman Eamon Murphy talks about their 50th Anniversary championships coming up on March 1st with Vice Chairman James Hough.

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Members of Rathcabbin Players Reading from their forthcoming comedy Wild Goose Chase for Tipp FM’s Down Your Way which will be aired this Thursday night 22nd & again Saturday morning. The Players celebrate their 30th Anniversary this year. Play will be staged  from Friday 30th to Sunday Feb. 1st and from Thursday Feb. 5th to 8th incl. at 8.30pm sharp. This hilarious comedy has a large cast that will have you laughing all night and for days afterwards. Booking from Jan. 23rd on (087) 2360 096

Polishing Process.

Rathcabbin Players are putting the polishing touches to their 30th Anniversary production of the Derek Benfield three act comedy ‘Wild Goose Chase’.  The play will be staged in Rathcabbin Hall from Friday 30th to Sunday Feb. 1st and from Thursday Feb. 5th to 8th incl. at 8.30pm sharp. This hilarious comedy has a large cast that will have you laughing all night and for days afterwards. Booking from Jan. 23rd on (087) 2360 096 so make it a date for Rathcabbin  Hall.

Full Steam Ahead.

North Tipperary Ploughing Association held their AGM on Friday night last in Rathcabbin Hall and outgoing officers were returned on block. President: Eileen Duffy, Vice President: John Slattery, Chairman: Eamon Murphy, Vice Chairman: James Hough, Secretary: Denis Cahalan, Assistant Secretary: Kevin Kennedy, Treasurer: Tom Duffy, Assistant Treasurer: Ray Clancy, N.P.A. Director Dinny Duffy.  It’s full steam ahead for the 50th Anniversary championships which will take place on Sunday March 1st on the lands of Sean and Carmel Lambe and family, Ballincur Cross, Lorrha, by kind permission. The committee are looking for a programme of the 1933 National Ploughing Championshais which were held in Clondalkin, Co. Dublin. If anyone has a programme they can loan or know of where there might be one, please call the Secretary Denis Cahalan on (087) 7793719. The programme will be returned.

Down Your Way.

A very successful recording of the popular Tipp FM programme ‘Down Your Way’ with presenter Eamonn O’Dwyer drew a large crowd to Kelly’s last in Rathcabbin. Thanks is extended to all who participated in the programme and to the Kelly family for hosting the event which marks the 30th Anniversary of Rathcabbin Players and the 50th Anniversary of North Tipp Ploughing. The programme will be broadcast this Thursday night 22nd from 7.00 to 8.00p.m. and will be repeated on Saturday morning 24th from 10.00 to 11.00am.. We hope you enjoy listening to this programme as much as we enjoyed making it.

 News From Lorrha School.

Nativity Play.Congratulations is extended to all the pupils who participated in the Christmas Eve Nativity play and to all the parents who helped and supported in so many ways.Knitting.Students and adult volunteers from the community are knitting mittens and hats for the special Care Babies in Ballinasloe and Limerick hospitals. Some will also be sent to the Missions.  If anyone would like to join us, please feel free to come to the school any Thursday between 2 and 3pm. You will be very welcome.After School Activities.Pre-School Speech and Drama commenced in the school after the Christmas break and there has been a great response to this activity.  Guitar, keyboard, and German classes have recommenced, see www.lorrhans.ie for dates and times.Peace Proms.

Rehearsals are in full swing in the school for the forthcoming Peace Proms concert which will be held in Limerick next month. A pre-concert rehearsal took place in Limerick last Friday which was very enjoyable.

Church News.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every Thursday 10am to 10pm in Rathcabbin Church. All parishioners are invited to come and stay awhile in the presence of Jesus.

John Needs Your Support.

John Duggan has a rare, life threatening blood disorder called PHN which means he requires regular blood transfusions and the life expectancy of such patients is about five year. Grandson of the late Katie and Tom Duggan, Portland, Lorrha, John is a regular visitor to his uncles and cousins in the parish and is well known in the locality. He was diagnosed with this condition back in 2008/9 and was prescribed the drug Soliris (eculizumab) by his medical team three years ago, but to date he has not actually received Soliris. Without this drug, John’s life expectancy is a short one and with no other option available to him, the 33 year old is asking you to help him put pressure on the HSE and the Government to fund this drug. You can help John by logging onto www.change.org, search for John Duggan and sign the online support petition. Every bit of support John can get is so important in hopefully getting the HSE and the Government to fund the drug. Please don’t leave it on the long finger before time runs out for John who asks that you act now and he appreciates your support at this difficult time for him and his family.

Spring  De-Clutter.

Thinking of clearing out the wardrobe to make room for the Spring collection? Lorrha Development/ Tidy Towns continue with unused clothes collection throughout the Winter  months. De-clutter your wardrobe, attack your attic, recycle all unwanted/unused items of clothing to make room for your Spring collection. We will accept any kind of bag or in bags provided by the committee. We can collect your unwanted items. Just call or text  (086) 8647166, (086) 8493595 or (086) 8355405 with your name and details. We appreciate your support. All money raised from all fundraising ventures is used for the ongoing work around Lorrha Village which helps to keep two adults employed.

 Smile Awhile and Laugh a Little Every Day.

                                                                    This one is for you Caroline in Sandy Land!

A Dublin based teacher was testing her pupils in class to see if they understood the concept of getting to heaven.

She asked them, ‘ If I sold my house and my car, had a big garage sale and gave all my money to the church, would that get me into heaven?’

‘NO!’ the children answered.

‘If I cleaned the church every day, mowed the garden, and kept everything tidy, would that get me into heaven?’

Again, the answer was ‘NO!’

‘If I gave sweets to all the children, and loved my husband, would that get me into heaven?’

Again, they all answered ‘NO!’

The teacher was just bursting with pride for her young students. She continued, ‘Then how can I get into heaven?’

A little boy shouted out: ‘YUV GOTTA BE BLEEDIN’ DEAD MRS.’