
Lorrha Notes

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Photograph shows a green area in Lorrha village where the grass has been sprayed deliberately and which has now died off completely leaving big areas of dead patches and a lot of damage done. This act of vandalism was caused around the first week of June, just in time for Tidy Towns judging. The person who did this is not a true Lorrha person and obviously doesn’t like the village.  Anyone with any information whatsoever is asked to call the Gardai in Borrisokane who are investigating the matter at (067) 27160.


Pupils from Rathcabbin NS entertain the guests and patients on Williams Birthday

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William O’Brien Kinnitty celebrates his 90th Birthday in St. Kierans Nursing Home with members of his family

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Food Galore at the Rathcabbin NS Country Market held last Sunday June 15th

Tracing Relatives.

Carol O’Connor has spent the last month in Ireland, including Lorrha parish, tracing her relatives. This is Carol’s third visit to Ireland where she is piecing together he family tree. John Carroll and Judith Heenan from Lackeen married in Lorrha in 1837. They had five sons William, John, Thomas, Patrick and James and one daughter Margaret. The two eldest William and John, emigrated to Australia. There are no records of Thomas Margaret or James but Patrick arrived on Ellis Island (NY) in September 1899. John is the great grandfather of Carol who says that the Carroll side of her family tree is proving extremely difficult to piece together.
If anyone can provide additional information about this family, Carol would love to hear from you.  She can contact by email at carol.oconnor@bigpond.comor by post at 4 /182 Russell Avenue, Dolls Point NSW 2219, Australia.

Rathcabbin School News

 School Tour: Our senior classes went to the University of Limerick for an action packed activity day which included canoeing, rafting, swimming, archery and many more activities. The Junior pupils went to see Jack and the Bean Stalk in Birr theatre and a trip to Portumna forest park. Both trips were educational with lots of fun included.

A Day of Celebration to mark the opening of our new classroom and raising our third green flag will take place on Monday 23rd June from 12.30pm to 2pm. We would like to take this opportunity to invite parents and families, past and present and the local community to come along and help us mark the occasion.

Country Market ; The Parents Association hosted the Country Market on Sunday 15th June which was a very successful fundraiser for the school. We wish to express our thanks to everyone that organised, baked, judged, sponsored items, helped on the day and entered the brown bread competiton. Our heartfelt appreciation to the parents and community for your outstanding support. Congratulations to our raffle winners Rita Gorman, Colm Kennedy and Helen Davis and Best Brown Bread winner Maureen Guinan.

Lorrha Development.

Tidy Towns judging is in full swing and we are usually visited during the month of June. Sincere thanks to everyone for helping with work around the village, and do please continue with the good work of keeping the village looking it’s best. Hopefully we will continue to gain valuable marks but most important of all is we don’t lose any.

Golden Jubilee.

 Congratulations and many good wishes is extended to Fr. John Joe Houlihan, Montana, USA and Corrigeen, Rathcabbin on the occasion of the Golden Jubilee of his ordination to the priesthood which he celebrated with family and friends last week-end. Well done Fr. John Joe.

Councillor’s Thanks.

 Councillor Michael O’Meara wishes to extend thanks to all in the parish who voted for him in the recent Council elections. He says he is committed to the parish and the residents whom he will work hard for over the following five years.

Rathcabbin Anti- Litter Poster Competition 

Rathcabbin Development Association held a children’s poster competition to tie in with our entry for Tidy Towns 2014. The winners are first Celine Guinan, second Amie Ryan, third  Eden Williams. Prizes sponsored by Kelly’s Village Store. Thanks to all who entered and most of the posters will be appearing around the village this week. Our clean up night is changed to every TUESDAY from 6-8 pm – all help would be gratefully appreciated.

Rathcabbin Front Garden and Window Box Competitions.

As part of the Tidy towns and to recognize the beautiful gardens around the village, the best front garden within the Rathcabbin speed limit signs will receive €100 Tippland Garden products, kindly sponsored by Tippland Peat Products in Ballinderry. There will also be prizes sponsored by Tom Lewis for the best window box and the best hanging basket in the same area. Judging will take place during the next couple of weeks. To the owners of all the beautiful gardens outside the village, we are sorry we can’t include you this year.

Summer De-Clutter.

Lorrha Development/ Tidy Towns continue with unused clothes collection throughout the Summer months. De-clutter your wardrobe, attack your attic, recycle all unwanted/unused items of clothing to make room for your Summer collection. We will accept any kind of bag or in bags provided by the committee. We can collect your unwanted items. Just call or text  (086) 8647166, (086) 8493595 or (086) 8355405 with your name and details. We appreciate your support. All money raised from all fundraising ventures is used for the ongoing work around Lorrha Village which helps to keep three adults employed.

Redwood School Thanks.

We would like to thank all those who attended and supported the Redwood NS reunion. It was great to see so many people meet up with old friends. We would also like to thank all those who helped in so many different ways to make the event possible. We are sincerely grateful to all for making it a cherished and memorable event.

Interested in gaining a qualification to work in Healthcare?

 Offaly Local Development Company in association with SOLAS (formerly FAS) invites applications for a 30 week full-time FETAC Level 5 “Healthcare Support” course commencing in October 2014 in Birr.

Please make any informal enquiries to 087-7385989- we would be delighted to discuss the course with you and answer any of your queries.

Formal applications to Department of Social Protection, Castle Buildings, Tullamore 057-9318500  or Jobs’ Club Birr, 057-9123940

Horticulture Course:

 Offaly Local Development Company in association with SOLAS (formerly FAS) invites applications for a 26 week full-time FETAC Level 4 “Horticulture” course commencing immediately in St. Rynagh’s College of further Education, Banagher, Co. Offaly

Please contact Monica/Michael at: 087-6835561


Smile Awhile and laugh a Little Every Day.

Paddy was in New York . He was patiently waiting and watching the traffic cop on a busy street crossing.  The cop stopped the flow of traffic and shouted, “Okay pedestrians.”  Then he’d allow the traffic to pass. He’d done this several times, and Paddy still stood on the sidewalk.

After the cop had shouted, “Pedestrians!” for the tenth time, Paddy went over to him and said, “Is it not about time ye let the Catholics across?”