Lorrha Notes
Lorrha Camogie team that participated in the 7’s blitz on St. Stephen’s Day in Motefield.
The heavy rain in recent weeks has caused flooding around the Country and also in the parish. The Little Brosna River burst its banks at the Anglers Rest near Rathcabbin.
Lorrha Parish Calendar is still on sale throughout the parish. Anyone wishing to order a copy by post contact www. lorrhadorrha.ie or (086) 8647166.
Late Philomena Hourigan.
The death occurred on Wednesday morning 25th December 2013 at the Midlands Regional Hospital Tullamore of Phyllis Hourigan, Rockview, Rathcabbin. Phyllis who was 86 years old enjoyed good health up to just four weeks before her death. A quiet inoffensive lady, she had a great love of gardening and was an expert at growing flowers and vegetables and loved the outdoor life. She was a lifelong follower of the fortunes of the Lorrha senior hurling team and the Tipperary team also and was a regular at matched up to about 5 years ago.
Pre deceased by husband Michael in 1995, she’s survived by her son Ray, daughter Bernadette, daughter in – law Joan and grandchildren Michelle, Fiona, Emer and Enda to whom sympathy is extended.
Her remains were removed from St Kieran’s Nursing Home on Friday evening 27th December to Our Lady Queen of Ireland Church Rathcabbin. Burial took place after 11 am funeral Mass on Saturday 28th December to Bonaham Cemetery. May she rest in peace.
Sympathy is extended to former Lorrha P.P. Fr. Joe Kennedy (Moneygall) on the death of his sister Mary Dawson, who died in England recently and also on the death of his brother John which occurred on Friday Jan 3rd. After funeral Mass on Sunday last 5th burial took place in St. Michael’s Cemetery, The Ragg. May they rest in peace.
St Rudhans Church of Ireland Lorrha would like to thank everyone who supported their Carol Service in aid of the Philippines disaster Fund which amounted to €444 on the night. A special thanks to the Omna singers and also to Aoife, George and Maureen for supplying the music.
Date For Your Diary.
Rathcabbin Players present ‘Poor Beast in the Rain’ by playwright Billy Roche, from Friday night 24th Jan. to Sun. night 26th and from Thur. night 30th to Sunday 2nd Feb. in Rathcabbin Hall. Watch this space for further details on how to book your seat.
Parish Calendar 2014.
It’s never too late to purchase a copy of the Lorrha Parish Calendar. Priced at just €10, the calendar is on sale throughout the parish and is a lovely keepsake packed with photographs from front to back cover. Anyone wishing to purchase a copy by post contact info@ or by phone to (086) 8647166.
Unwanted Clothes Collection.
Lorrha Development / Tidy Towns continue with unused clothes collection throughout the winter months. We can collect your unwanted items. Just call or text (086) 8493595/ (086) 8647166/ (087) 2601413 with your name and details. All money raised from all fundraising ventures is used for the continued work around Lorrha Village.
Marriage Counselling.
ACCORD offers professional and confidential marriage councilling for couples experiencing any difficulty in their marriage or family. For more informationCallsave 1850-58-5000 or 065-6824297.
ACCORD Catholic Marriage Care Services offers Marriage Preparation to couples intend to marry. Couples should try and book their Marriage Preparation Course 9 – 12 months before their wedding. Book online – accord.ie or at the above telephone numbers, at the Pastoral Centre, Church Road, Nenagh. Full details on notice-board in all three Churches in the parish.
Birthday Greetings.
Congratulations is extended to David Fogarty, Lorrha on the occasion of his 21st birthday. David celebrated the occasion with family and friends in The Friars Tavern, Lorrha. Well done David.
Social Dancing.
Social Dancing continues in the GAA Centre on Friday night from 9.30pm to 12.30am This week the music will be provided by Declan Aungier.
St. Ruadhan’s Active Retirement.
The Committee of St. Ruadhan’s Active Retirement Association would like to wish all our members, their families and friends a very Happy New Year. We would also like to remind our members that we re-commence our weekly sessions on Wednesday, 8th January, 2014 at 2.30pm in the Community Hall, Lorrha. Transport is available should anyone wish to be collected from their homes. New members are welcome, please do drop in for a cuppa and a chat. We would like to express our gratitude to everyone who supported us during the past year in their own special way. This is very much appreciated by us all. Thank you to each one.
Still Searching.
Margaret and Brendan Love send New Years greetings to Fr. Pat and to all who helped them when they visited Lorrha in 2011 to research William Hogan and Annie Doorley and descendants. Margaret says, special greetings to all Doorley family connections who made us so welcome. We are still researching but have had no success finding anything further on Anne Hogan baptised 1/11/1838. The other four children we have baptisms for – Bridget, Michael, Mary and James all emigrated to Australia. It seems a little unusual that there wasn’t a son called William after the father. Margaret and Brenden Love and Bernice Clarke (Hogan, Doorley, Finnan and Merrigan descendant). Margaret’s message can be viewed on the parish website www.lorrhadorrha.ie under guestbook.
Lorrha Camogie Notes.
Mock Wedding!
Here Comes the Bride….Lorrha Camogie Club will be hosting the ‘Mad March Mock Wedding’ on Saturday March the 8th, so keep this date free! It will be the Camogie Club’s main fundraiser for the year and tickets will go on sale shortly. It will be the maddest Wedding of 2014!! More details to follow.
Clothing Collection:
We are having a clothing recycling drive in aid of Lorrha Camogie Club. Please donate any unwanted clothes that are clean and dry and in big black bin bags. Clean dry Clothes-Belts-Shoes- Bags- Books, NO Bed clothes-curtains-pillows-duvets-cushions or household goods. So get collecting all your old unwanted clothes! The collection day will be at the end of March but we can collect bags at any time off people. More Info Contact: Elaine Hough 087-1357080 Or any Committee member to collect items. Thanks for your support on this fundraising drive.
Lorrha Camogie Facebook Page:
Keep up to date on any recent activity in the Club and in the Parish. We are always looking for old Camogie pictures so if you have any please let us know!
Smile Awhile & Laugh A Little Every Day.
A Human Resources Manager was knocked down, tragically, by a bus and was killed. Her soul arrived at the Pearly Gates, where St. Peter welcomed her.
“Before you get settled in” he said, “We have a little problem…you see, we’ve never had a Human Resources Manager make it this far before and we’re not really sure what to do with you.”
“Oh, I see,” said the woman, “Can’t you just let me in?” “Well, I’d like to,” said St Peter, “But I have higher orders. We’re instructed to let you have a day in hell and a day in heaven, and then you are to choose where you’d like to go for all eternity.”
“Actually, I think I’d prefer heaven”, said the woman.
“Sorry, we have rules…” at which St. Peter put the HR Manager into the downward bound elevator.
As the doors opened in hell she stepped out onto a beautiful golf course. In the distance was a country club; around her were many friends… past fellow executives, all smartly dressed, happy, and cheering for her. They ran up and kissed her on both cheeks, and they talked about old times. They played a perfect round of golf and afterwards went to the country club where she enjoyed a superb steak and lobster dinner. She met the Devil (who was actually rather nice) and she had a wonderful night telling jokes and dancing. Before she knew it, it was time to leave. Everyone shook her hand and waved goodbye as she stepped into the elevator. The elevatorwent back up to heaven where St.Peter was waiting for her.
“Now it’s time to spend a day in heaven,” he said.
So she spent the next 24 hours lounging around on clouds, playing the harp and singing… which was almost as enjoyable as her day in hell.
At the day’s end St. Peter returned.”So,” he said, “You’ve spent a day in hell and you’ve spent a day in heaven”. “You must choose between the two.”
The woman thought for a second and replied, “Well, heaven is certainly lovely, but I actually had a better time in hell”. “I choose hell.”
Accordingly, St. Peter took her to the elevator again and she went back down to hell.
When the doors of the elevator opened she found herself standing in a desolate wasteland covered in garbage and filth. She saw her friends dressed in rags, picking up rubbish and putting it in old sacks.
The Devil approached and put his arm around her.
“I don’t understand,” stuttered the HR Manager, “Yesterday I was here, and there was a golf course, and a country club. We ate lobster, and we danced and had a wonderful happy time. Now all there is, is just dirty wasteland of garbage and all my friends look miserable.”
The Devil simply looked at her and smiled, “Yesterday we were recruiting you, today you’re staff.”