
Lorrha Notes


Pupils from Lorrha N.S. get a lesson in the art of Pancake Making. They didn’t need to be shown how to eat them!!!


Late Chrissie Lambe.

The sudden and unexpected death of Chrissie Lambe, Redwood, Lorrha occurred at her residence on Monday morning February 4th.               Nee Treacy, at 77 years of age, Chrissie was an outgoing, friendly and sociable lady who lived life to the full and was a familiar figure on the roads going to the town to do her shopping in her blue Fiesta. She took an interest in everything that was happening and could hold a conversation on any topic. She lived for her family and her grandchildren, whom she simply adored. Pre-deceased by her husband John and her daughter Colette she is survived by her daughters Mary and Angela, sons Sean and Joe, daughters in-law, son in-law, grandchildren, brothers, nieces, nephews, relatives and friends to whom sympathy is extended on their great loss. After funeral Mass in the Church of the Most Holy Redeemer Redwood on Wednesday 6th burial took place inLorrhaCemetery. May she rest in peace.

 Late Maureen Kennedy.

The death occurred on Friday February 8th of Maureen Kennedy, Clonbrone, Birr and formerly Lissernane, Lorrha. Maureen was the last surviving niece of Martin O’Meara V.C. and she passed away peacefully in her 99th year in Elmgrove Nursing home, Birr where she had resided for the last ten years. Pre-deceased by her husband John in 1987, she is survived by her son Sean, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, relatives, neighbours and friends to whom sympathy is extended. After funeral Mass in St. Ruadhan’s Church Lorrha on Saturday last, burial took place in the adjoining cemetery. May she rest in peace.

 Church News.

Rosary will be recited 20 minutes before Sunday Mass during Lent in all three Churches. Stations of the Cross will take place every Friday night in Rathcabbin Church at 8p.m.

Wednesday 13th is Ash Wednesday, a day of Fast and Abstinence. There will be Liturgy of the Word, Holy Communion and distribution of Ashes in Rathcabbin Church at 7.30p.m.

Enjoy Praying Programme.

This is a programme based on the Bible. It’s purpose is to support individuals in developing a deeper spiritual life. There will be six weekly sessions lasting one and a half hours approximately, every Wednesday night at 7.30pmin the Parish room in Borrisokane. It will begin on Wednesday 12th February. If you are interested or need further information please contact Fr. Tom O’Halloran P.P. or Sr. Patricia Greene at (067) 32830.

Date for your Diary.

Please note that the next meeting of Lorrha and Dorrha Heritage Festival is Monday night February 25th at 8.00p.m.in the GAA clubhouse.  The festival will take place in June and volunteers are required to help with the various events. All are welcome.


Enrolment is now taking place forRathcabbin National Schoolfor pupils commencing school in September 2013. Please contact the school (057) 9139008.

Open Day.

RedwoodN.S.are holding their annual Open Day on Saturday, 2nd March. There will be a programme of events commencing at 2 p.m.
Enrolement forms for September 2013 will be available on the day or by contacting the school on 090 9747186/email redwoodns@live.ie or by visiting the website at www.redwoodns.ie.  A great afternoon is promised. All are welcome to come along!!!

Open Day and Enrolment.

Scoil Lua Naofa Lorrha are holding their annual Open Day on Wednesday 6th March. Enrolement forms for September 2013 will be available on the day or by dropping into the school or contacting (090) 9747295. Also by email to luanaofa@eircom.net. All are invited so do come along.

St. Ruadhan’s Active Retirement Association.

The Committee and members would like to express our deepest sympathy to the Lambe Family, Redwood, on the recent death of our dear member, Chrissie, who passed away peacefully.  Chrissie was a very gentle, cheerful lady and will be missed.  Also our deepest sympathy to James Heenan and the Heenan Family, Lorrha, on the recent death of Noel.  May they both rest in peace.      As a mark of respect for Chrissie Lambe, we have cancelled our social which was due to take place on Wednesday Afternoon,20th February, 2013, in the Community Hall, Lorrha. 


The AGM of St. Ruadhan’s Active Retirement Association which was due to take place last Wednesday,6th February, 2013, will now take place onWednesday, 20th February, 2013, in the Community Hall Lorrha at 2.30pm.

Marie Keating Foundation.

On Wednesday, 27th February, Phil Keating, a nurse from the Marie Keating Foundation will be in the Community Hall, Lorrha, to give a talk on health matters and cancer care at3.15pm.  All are welcome and light refreshments will be served.

Social Dancing.

Social dancing continues in the GAA clubhouse every Friday night with this week’s music provided by Footloose.

Table Quiz.

Portumna & District Lions Club are holding a Table Quiz on Friday 22nd February at 9pm in The Boathouse, Portumna. All proceeds in aid of Team Cian. Adult Table of 4 €20, Students €10. Don’t be shy – you can turn up by yourself. Please come and support!

Smile Awhile & Laugh A Little Every Day.

After 100 years lying on the sea bed, Irish divers were amazed to find that the Titanic’s swimming pool was still full. 


 Sincere thanks to all of you who continue to send in jokes for our weekly “Smile Awhile & Laugh A Little Every Day”. Readers love these jokes, so do keep them coming,