
Lorrha Notes

 Lorrha Notes

Late Teresa White.

The death took place on Friday July 17th. at St. Joseph’s Hospital Nenagh of Teresa White Ballyquirke Lorrha.
Tessie who was 82 years of age was in poor health for some time but her death came quickly in the end. A kind and lighted hearted lady Tessie made friends easily and had a good word for everyone. She was a very good neighbour who was always willing to help if needed. She will be sadly missed by all who knew and came in contact with her.
Pre deceased by her husband Thomas eleven years ago and by her daughter Mary she is survived by her sons John Tom Brendan and Ger her daughters Teresa Betty Rita Joan and Dympna her brothers Jack & Tom sisters in-law sons in-law daughters in –law grandchildren great – grandson nieces nephews relatives and a wide circle of friends to whom we offer sympathy.
After funeral Mass in St. Ruadhan’s Church Lorrha on Sunday last burial took place in the adjoining cemetery. May she rest in peace.


Sympathy is extended to the family and relatives of the late Noel Flannery Nenagh and Kilregane who dies on Friday the 17th. After funeral Mass in Kilruane Church on Sunday last burial took place in Lorrha Cemetery. May he rest in peace.

Recent A.G.M.

Lorrha / Rathcabbin gun club held their annual general meeting on Friday night July 10th.
The following officers were returned. Chairman: Robert Harding Secretary: Pat O’Meara Treasurer : James Heenan. Membership is now due at €70 adult €35 juniors which includes full insurance and personal insurance. New members welcome subject to Gun Club rules. Contact James Heenan at (087) 2031798.

Lorrha Development Association.

There was another great response to the work morning on Wednesday last for the painting. Many thanks to all who turned out and to Mary for providing the refreshments afterwards. More painting will take place this Wednesday morning from 10.a.m. Meet outside the hall and please bring paint brush/ roller/ tray etc. Weeding painting etc. continues and if anyone has a hour to spare at any time do please contact Harry at ( 087) 2294961 Liz at 9747893 Nancy at 9747922 Louis at ( 086) 8493595 Rose at (086) 8647166 or any member of the committee. All help is required and appreciated. Can we appeal to all of you to be vigilant at all times for papers weeds etc. outside your premises and on the street.

Theft Continues.

The thief or thieves continues to steal and this time they have turned their attentions to Carrigahorig where the Development group there have suffered the loss of a flower pot. This pot was pretty heavy and it took more that one person to remove it. If you should notice any movements at all by any kind of vehicles that you believe or think is not right please call the Gardai at (067) 27101 or (067) 31333.

Fundraising Offer.

Gaeltach Rathcairn is a non profit organization which was set up in 1935 by the Irish Government. Their non profit making fundraising concept has raised millions of euros for hundreds of local organizations since 1985. Dermot O’Donovan who is one of their organizers will be attending St. Ruadhan’s Community hall in Lorrha on Thursday night July 30th. at 8.00p.m. Any club or organization in the parish who is thinking of raising funds for whatever project they have in mind is invited to come to this meeting which will be without obligation.

Shannon Bank Walk Reminder.

Adara hillwalking club are having a Shannon bank walk starting from Victoria Lock in Lusmagh and finishing in Portumna on Sunday 26th. July. Starting time is 12 noon. There will be a B.B.Q. and music afterwards in “The Shop” (George Killeen’s) Meelick afterwards. All are welcome to come along. Further details from Eddie on (087) 9240652.


We extend commiserations to Patrick and Kevin Maher Ken Hogan and the Under 21 Tipp team who were defeated by Waterford in the Munster semi-final which took place in Dungarvan last Wednesday.

Date For Your Diary.

The Lourdes Diocesan Autumn Pilgrimage will leave Shannon Airport on Tuesday 22nd. September and return on Sunday 27th. Sept. The cost this year is €660. This is the cheapest pilgrimage price to Lourdes this year. Booking forms are available from Joe Walsh Tours 143 Lr. Baggott St. Dublin 2. or by calling (01) 2410810.

Knock Pilgrimage.

The senior citizens annual pilgrimage to Knock Shrine will take place this year on Monday August 10th. Sr. Breege McKenna will be present that day. Anyone interested in travelling is requested to contact Betty at (057) 9139085 or (087) 6667374 as soon as possible in order to arrange transport.

Parish Web Site.

Visit the parish web site www.lorrhadorrha.ie for all the latest news in the parish.

Dial To Stop Drug Dealing.

If you know anyone who is dealing in drugs and you wish to help stop that person you can do so by ringing 1800 220 220. Your call can be anonymous. Visit www.dialtostop.ie

Birr Theatre.

Saturday 25th. The Brennan’s Monday 27th. to Friday 31st. The Reel World filmmaking for young people. To book tickets contact (057) 9122911 or buy on line at www.birrtheatre.com

Country Market.

Large selection of new season’s fruit and vegetables usual display of home baking preserves and crafts. Open every Friday 8.30a.m. to 12.30p.m. in Town Hall Portumna.

Please note that the deadline for Items of information for inclusion in these notes is 12 noon on Mondays. You can emailed items to roselmannion@yahoo.ie or call (086) 8647166.