Lorrha Notes
Late Ellen O’Meara.
The sudden and unexpected death occurred on Friday September 25th. of Ellen O’Meara Cullagh Rathcabbin.
Nee Murphy Nellie at 73 years of age was the youngest of a family of 9. A quiet and shy lady she was well known and highly respected in the local community. The home her husband and family was top priority for her and along with Sean she tended to the garden where just about everything was grown from flowers to fruit and the many varieties of vegetables. Like so many of her generation Nellie was a homemaker where she baked and cooked and produced her own jam from their own garden produce. Callers to her home was always welcome and the kettle was always boiled with plenty of food to accompany the tea regardless of the time of day. She will be sadly missed by all who knew her but in particular by her family. Sincere sympathy is extended to her husband Sean daughter Mary sons John and Pat daughters in law Fiona and Barbara Robert grandchildren brother Paddy sisters Essie Bridie Kitty Lidie brother in law nephews nieces relatives and friends.
After funeral Mass in St. Ruadhan’s Church Lorrha on Monday September 28th. burial took place in the adjoining cemetery. May she rest in peace.
Late Brother Thomas Philip O’Carroll FPM.
Brother Thomas Philip O’Carroll of the Presentation Brothers community Glasthule died on Thursday September 17th. at St. Joseph’s Centre Crinken Shankill. Born to John and Julia (Kelly) O’Carroll in Rathcabbin in February 1914 he attended Rathcabbin school Presentation Brothers Birr Coláiste Muire Douglas and De La Salle Teachers training college Waterford. He entered the Presentation Brothers at Mount St. Joseph Cork in 1936 was ordained in 1941 and commenced teaching the following year 1942. His career took him from Kallarney to Carrick –on-Shannon Letterkenny Kinsale Cork and to Glasthule Co. Dublin where he served as principal from 1974 to 1981. Brother Philip lived in Our Lady’s Manor Dalkey from 1997 to ’99 and in St. Joseph’s Centre Crinken Shankill from 1999 until his death.
Predeceased by his parents and by his brothers Michael and Brother Cormac of the Presentation Brothers he is survived by his cousins including Pat Reddan and family Cullagh Rathcabbin and his Presentation Brothers to whom sympathy is offered. After concelebrated funeral Mass in St. Joseph’s Church Glasthule on September 22nd. burial took place in the local cemetery. Ar dheis De to raibh a anam.
Sympathy is extended to Joe Coonan and family Ballymacegan on the death of his sister Nan McLoughlin Roscrea which occurred recently. Burial took place in Knock Roscrea. May she rest in peace.
County Development Plan.
A meeting will be held in the Abbey Room at the Abbey Court Hotel in Nenagh on Tuesday night October 13th. at 8.00p.m. to discuss the North Tipperary County Development Plan. You more than likely have no idea what the plan is and have you ever wished you could have a say about the future of your County? There’s no point in complaining after the plans are made help to make them….now. You will learn how to use the system to give your vision of the County a chance. Network building to develop a better future for your County as you have the power to make changes which will affect your County for the next ten years. For further information contact Abby on (087) 9598767.
Birthday Greetings.
Congratulations is extended to Kevin Maher who celebrated his 21st. birthday recently. Kevin celebrated the occasion with his family and friends in the Friars Tavern Lorrha on Friday night last. Well done Kevin.
Apostolic Work Society.
Lorrha Apostolic Work Society will resume their sewing classes in aid of the missions on Thursday night the 8th. of October in St. Ruadhan’s Community Hall Lorrha at 8.00p.m. New members will be very welcome.
The Annual General Meeting of Rathcabbin Players will take place on Thursday night October 8th. in Rathcabbin Hall at 8.30p.m. All are welcome.
Remaining Open.
Portumna Castle and Gardens will remain open to the public for week-ends only during the month of October. Opening times will be from 9.30a.m to 5.00p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays and the Castle will close for the season on Bank Holiday Monday 26th. October. For further information contact (090) 9741658 or email: portumnacastle@opw.ie
‘Down Your Way’
A reminder that the recent recording of ‘Down Your Way’ with Eamonn O’Dwyer of Tipp F.M. which took place to mark the launch of the Lorrha Lord Mayor campaign from the Ferry Inn will be broadcast this Thursday night the 8th. from 7.00p.m. A lot of locals were recorded on the night including musicians Paschal Micheál Ger Kate and the master of all Tony Molloy.
Lorrha Development.
A meeting of Lorrha Development Association will take place on Wednesday night September 14th. at 8.00p.m. in St. Ruadhan’s Community Hall. All are welcome to attend.
Unlucky Twenty Four Hours.
It was certainly an unlucky twenty four hours for Lorrha hurlers when their under 16 squad went down by three points to Moyle Rovers in the County semi-final on Saturday last in Templemore. The following day their under 21 team bit the dust in their North semi-final when they came up against a strong Burgess side in Nenagh and immediately after that another Lorrha team went under when the under 16 camogie players lost to Nenagh by six points and their bid to progress was seriously halted. Commiserations to all players and managerial.
Good Luck.
We extend the best of luck to the Lorrha Junior ‘A’ camogie team when they take on Clonoulty in the County final on Saturday 10th. at 4.30p.m. in the camogie grounds and we also wish the senior squad good luck in the Seamus O’Riain cup final. See Fixtures for details.
North Tipp Transport.
The North Tipperary Rural Transport is Lorrha to Nenagh Tuesday and Saturday Lorrha to Roscrea Thursday and Saturday Lorrha to Birr Friday evenings Lorrha to Kiltormer Wednesday evenings Lorrha to Moatfield on Wednesday afternoons to St. Ruadhan’s active retirement get together. All the above services are from door to door. Travel passes are accepted on all services. Should you not have a travel pass there will be a small charge.
If you require transport please contact Louise Duddy at the North Tipperary LEADER Partnership Office Borrisokane – Telephone 067 27088 or contact Ken Daly direct Mobile No. 087 627 3177
Parish Web Site.
Visit the parish web site www.lorrhadorrha.ie for all the latest news in the parish.
Birr Theatre.
Tuesday 13th. Film club ‘ Baader Meinhof Complex’. Saturday 17th. Mend and Makedo Theatre Company present ‘ We Once Sang Like Other Men’. Tuesday 20th. Film club ‘ Waveriders’. Friday 23rd. to Sunday 25th. Birr Stage Guild hosts One Act Drama Festivals. Tuesday 27th. Film club ‘ Lemon Tree’. Wednesday 28th. to Saturday 31st. the 3rd. annual ‘Hullabaloo’. Offaly’s Children’s Arts Festival. Sunday November 1st. Opera UK A Night At The Opera.
Box office hours is Monday to Friday from 1 to 5.30p.m. Call (057) 9122911.