Lorrha Notes
Late James O’Meara.
The death occurred on Sunday November 22nd. of James O’Meara Lisballyard Rathcabbin at St. Kieran’s nursing home Rathcabbin. Jamsie who was 86 years old hadn’t enjoyed good health for some time and was a resident of St. Kieran’s for a number of years. Known and respected by his farming neighbours for raising good cattle over the years in Lisballyard where he farmed Jamsie was also equally known for his love of horses and indeed he sold many a good draught down through the years. A quiet inoffensive gentleman who neighbours could rely on Jamsie who was a single man had no immediate family but his neighbours were very good to him all down through the years. He will now be missed by them all.
Sympathy is extended to his sister in-law Moira nieces nephews relatives neighbours and friends to whom sympathy is offered.
After funeral Mass in Our Lady Queen of Ireland Church Rathcabbin on Tuesday 24th. burial took place afterwards in Lorrha Cemetery. May he rest in peace.
Sympathy is extended to the family and relatives of Margaret Hennessy nee Kennedy Carlow and formerly of Redwood who died recently. May she rest in peace.
First Friday.
Friday coming December 4th. is the First Friday of the month. Mass will be celebrated in Lorrha at 9.30a.m. and in Rathcabbin at 7.30p.m. Confessions will be heard half hour before both.
Table Quiz Reminder.
David Power will commence his Lorrha Lord Mayor fundraising campaign with a table quiz on Friday night 4th. December in St. Ruadhan’s Community Hall in Lorrha. Proceedings will get under way at 8.30 p.m. Table of four adults €30 and children €12. Please take note of the change of time and the price. This effort is to raise funds for the development of Friars Park in the village. Lorrha Development Association appeal to all to support this fundraising venture by David and his committee.
Lorrha Lord Mayor Candidate Joe Dolan extends thanks to all who supported the fundraising Poker Classic on Friday night last the 27th. and he extends that thanks to his hard working committee who made this possible. Thanks also to all who sponsored spot prizes. The four prize winners were 1st. Jan Boons 2nd. Maureen Shakespere 3rd. Joe Hannigan 4th. Denis Duffy. A hamper worth €150 sponsored by Dolan Fencing was won by Joe himself but he left it back for raffle again and it was claimed by Bridget Glynn. Other prize winners in the raffle were Eugene Kennedy Whiskey Willie Hogan Wine Carmel Lambe Roses John Guinan Wine Donna Kennedy Wine. This effort is to raise funds for the development of Friars Park in the village.
Joe’s next fundraising venture will be on December 28th. when the 1984 hurlers take on the Junior “A” Co. Camogie champions in a fun and “action packed” game. More details later.
“Hush Hush”.
Lorrha Variety group will perform “Hush Hush” a play written by local lady Anne-Marie Hough in Lorrha Community Hall from Friday Dec. 11th. through to Sunday 13th. inclusive. Doors open at 8 with curtains up at 8.30p.m. All are welcome.
Lorrha Development.
A meeting of the above committee will take place on Thursday night 10th. Dec. at 8.00p.m. in St. Ruadhan’s Community Hall. All members are requested to attend.
Roads Closed.
The road to Banagher and Athlone remains closed because of the serious flooding at the Anglers Rest. While the water levels have receded considerably the road has become badly damaged and in some places has been completely washed away. Motorists who chance driving through there is advised to proceed with caution. The Road from Borrisokane to Portumna is also officially closed because of flooding at Lorrha cross just down from Carrigahorig. Portumna bridge was opened after two days of closure when Council workers worked through the night to prop a low sized stone wall with sand bags as it threatened to collapse. Had it done so it would have closed the road indefinitely. According to elderly residents in the parish the last time the Shannon burst it’s banks was in 1954. The only difference now is it’s far higher and much worse this time.
Well Done.
Congratulations to local lady Pauline Walsh Rathcabbin who is the producer of the Clareen Drama Group play this year. If you missed out on their performance in Clareen last week you can catch this great comedy in Birr Theatre this coming week-end by calling (057) 9122911 to book.
Parish Calendar.
The Lorrha Parish Calendar is now on sale throughout the parish and is packed with photo’s from the past and the present. Lorrha Development extends thanks to all the business people both in the parish and outside of it who are helping to promote the calendar by selling it.
If you have someone living in the USA Canada Australia New Zealand Hong Kong India or the Philippines then you have until December 8th. to post them a copy of the Lorrha Parish Calendar for 2010. What a lovely keepsake gift to receive for Christmas and it will also help them to keep in touch with happening.
Bus To Athlone.
A local bus departs for Athlone the first Friday of every month from Portumna Square at 10.30a.m. – via Ballinasloe and will stop en route. It departs Athlone at 4.30p.m. Travel pass accepted. Return fares €5 under 18’s €3 while under 5’s go free. To book call the IRD at (090) 9741867.
Christmas Events.
Portumna Castle are holding Christmas events on Sunday December 6th. from 4.30p.m.
Parish Web Site.
Visit the parish web site www.lorrhadorrha.ie for all the latest news in the parish.
Birr Theatre.
Thursday 3rd. to Sat. 5th. Clareen Drama Group. Tuesday 8th. Film club Conversations with my gardener Thursday 10th. and Friday 11th. Talisman Theatre Company with Santa’s Magical Christmas Saturday 12th. Legitimate Bodies Dance Company present Nutcracker. Sunday 13th. Oxmantown Singers. Thursday 17th. Dance Artists in Regional Ireland. Thursday 17th. I.F. O.N.L.Y. Dance festival. Friday 18th. Brake –Thru.
Booking is necessary at (057) 9122894.