
Lorrha Notes


Booking for Rathcabbin Players forthcoming comedy “Rumors” will open on Thursday 21st. between 6.00p.m. and 8.30p.m.only please on (087) 2360096. This year marks the 25th. Anniversary of the group and they have chosen this Neil Simon comedy to celebrate the occasion. The play goes on stage from Thursday night February 4th. through to Sunday night the 7th. inclusive and they will be back on stage for two nights the following week-end Friday 12th. and Sunday 14th. Creating a stir and the feel good vibes between cast and crew this play offers comedy confusion and plenty of laughter but booking on the above number is a must which you are advised to do early to secure a seat for your chosen night. Rathcabbin Players look forward to meeting you all once again.

Haiti Collection.

A retiring collection will take place after all Masses this coming week-end to give people the opportunity to contribute to victims of the Haiti earthquake. This will be taken up in all parishes of the diocese and the proceeds will be shared between Trócaire Concern and Goal.


Sympathy is extended to Valerie & Liam Lewis and family Rathcabbin on the death of Valerie’s father Stephen Killacky Cloughjordan. After funeral Mass on Sunday last 24th. burial took place afterwards. May he rest in peace.


Carrigahorig Development Association wish to thank all those who supported the bag packing in O’Meara’s and the Christmas draw. Your support is much appreciated.


The Taize summer pilgrimage will take place from July 4th. to 13th. 2010 for people aged between 17 and 30 years of age. They will share in prayer workshops meals all that makes up a week in the life of young people. On Sunday July 11th. there will be a two night trip to Paris Monday 12th. in Disneyland Paris Monday evening a coach tour of Paris Tuesday 13th. sightseeing and shopping returning home that evening. The cost is €550. Enquiries to Fr. Jerry Carey on (086) 2508444.

Spring Art Classes.

Sketching and Art and Craft for children at 2.00p.m. 3.30p.m. and 5.00p.m. Pencil sketching for adults at 11.a.m. in Brambles Art Studio Lorrha. Starting on Saturday 30th. Janusry for 8 weeks. For more information contact Ute at (090) 9747127 or (087) 9151356.

Final Reminder.

If for some reason you still haven’t got your copy of the Lorrha Parish Calendar then you are advised to do so without further delay while there are still some copies left. This lovely keep sake has recorded events that took place throughout the parish during 2009 and it also features photo’s from the past. As this year also marks the 25th. Anniversary of Lorrha Development that too is reflected in this edition.

Priced at just €10 the calendar is available in the Lorrha end of the parish from Pat Hough publican Colette’s Hair Salon Ferry Inn Restaurant & Bar Ferry Service Station Carrigahorig Post Office Louis & Kathleen McCormack’s Pub GAA Clubhouse. In Rathcabbin it’s available from Kelly’s Bar & Grocery Brophy’s Bar & Grocery.

The Calendar is also available from Super Valu (O’Meara’s) Portumna Salmons Newsagents Portumna.
Anyone wishing to have a copy posted to them contact Liz by emailing her at lizhussey@eircom.net or Nancy at terry1938@eircom.net from Rose at roselmannion@yahoo.ie or by phone from Louis at (086) 8493595.


Lorrha / Rathcabbin gun club in conjunction with Lorrha / Rathcabbin Angling club are holding a poker classic in The Friars Tavern Lorrha on Friday 5th. February at 9.00p.m.sharp. Prices pro rata.

Development Meeting.

Lorrha Development Association are holding a meeting on Wednesday night February 3rd. at 8.00p.m. in St. Ruadhan’s Community Hall. All members are requested to attend.

Parish Web Site.

Visit the parish web site www.lorrhadorrha.ie for all the latest news in the parish.

Birr Theatre.

Fri. 29th. Mary Coughlan “The House of Ill Repute”. Sat. 30th. Sun. 31st. Banagher Drama Group present “Moonshine”. Tue. February 2nd. Film club “La Boheme”. Thursday 4th. Spanich guitar & composer with guitar accompaniment “Eduardo Niebla”. Tues. 9th. Film Club “Sleep Furiously”. Thurs. 11th. Silver Screen “The Apartment”. Tues. 16th. Film Club “Cloud 9”. Friday 19th. One man play performed by Michael Harding “The Tinkers Curse”. Sat. 20th. “Moore’s Melodies” with Dean Power Aoife O’Sullivan and Katy Kelly accompanied by Una Hunt. Tuesday 23rd. Film club “Everlasting Moments”. Saturday 27th. Neil Delamere. March 2nd. film club “The Black Balloon”. Thursday 4th. Silver Screen “Last Chance Harvey”. Saturday 5th. “The High Kings”. Saturday 6th. Open Door Drama Group “Sive”. Tuesday 16th. to Saturday 20th. Birr Stage Guild Annual Musical. Thursday 25th. and Friday 26th. Legitimate Bodies Dance Company & Gallen Community School Ferbane present “Romeo and Juliet”. Saturday 27th. Freddie White. Sunday 28th. Brendan Grace.
Buy on line at www.birrtheatre.com or call (057) 9122911.

Adult Classes.

Borrisokane Community College will shortly commence adult education classes and there are some place available in Absolute Beginners Computers Internet and Email Organic and Polytunnel Gardening Meditation Conversational Irish Basic First Aid. For further details contact Sinead on (067) 27268 or (067) 27808.


The Country Market Portumna will re-open on Friday 29th. January.