
Lorrha Notes


Because of demand on seats for the 25th. Anniversary performance of Rathcabbin Players comedy “Rumors” an extra performance will be held on Saturday night 13th. The play goes on stage from Thursday night February 4th. through to Sunday night the 7th. inclusive and they will be back on stage for a three further nights the following week-end Fri. 12th. Sat 13th. and Sun. 14th. To book please call (087) 2360096 between 5.00p.m. and 8.30p.m.only but you had better hurry if you want a seat on the night of your choice.

First Friday.

This coming Friday February 5th. is the First Friday of the month. Mass will be celebrated in Lorrha Church at 9.30a.m. and in Rathcabbin Church at 7.30p.m..


Lorrha / Rathcabbin gun club in conjunction with Lorrha / Rathcabbin Angling club are holding a poker classic in The Friars Tavern Lorrha on Friday 5th. February at 9.00p.m.sharp. Prices pro rata.


Because of demand on seats for the 25th. Anniversary performance of Rathcabbin Players comedy “Rumors” an extra performance will be held on Saturday night 13th. The play goes on stage from Thursday night February 4th. through to Sunday night the 7th. inclusive and they will be back on stage for a three further nights the following week-end Fri. 12th. Sat 13th. and Sun. 14th. To book please call (087) 2360096 between 5.00p.m. and 8.30p.m.only but you had better hurry if you want a seat on the night of your choice.

Lord Mayor Campaign in Full Swing.

The three Lorrha Lord Mayor candidates are stepping up their fundraising ventures as the deadline date looms closer when the winner will be announced as to who has raised the most money to earn the title “Lord Mayor of Lorrha”. All will be revealed when the venture will draw to a close on Saturday night March 20th. with a function in St. Ruadhan’s Community Hall in Lorrha. More details about this will be announced closer to the date. In the meantime fundraising continues with Joe Dolan and his committee holding a Poker Classic in Kelly’s Rathcabbin on Saturday night Feb. 20th. and just over a week later Theresa Dunne will hold a Texas Hold ‘Em card game in The Clonwyn in Portumna. Theresa and her committee are also out selling tickets for a Barn Dance and BBQ which will take place on Saturday night March 6th.at the Ferry Inn while David Power will hold a Poker Classic in the Friars Tavern Lorrha on Friday night March 12th. Other dates to watch is Sunday 14th. Tuesday 16th. and Wednesday 17th. of March. So the race is on between the three candidates and may the best man / woman win… Do please support them as best you can as they are doing a wonderful but tough job in the present economic climate in raising the necessary funds to develop the Friars Park in Lorrha Village. All three candidates and their respective committee’s deserve a lot of credit.

Seats Available.

There are ten seats still available on the bus that is traveling to The Royal Irish Academy which houses among its artifacts The Stowe missal and to visit also The National Museum on Friday February 19th. Bus will leave Lorrha at 7.45a.m. This will be a very interesting trip as the group will also get to see the 130 approx. pieces that were found in Lorrha over the years and it is hoped to take in a viewing also of the Fadden More book which was unearthed in Fadden bog in recent years and which is now under restoration in Collins Barracks. If interested in traveling call David Broderick on (086) 3308172 or James Heenan on (087) 2031798

Poker Classic.

Lorrha Lord Mayer Candidate Joe Dolan is holding a fundraising Poker Classic in The Last Chance Rathcabbin on Saturday night February 20th. at 9.00p.m. sharp.
One of the many prizes on the night will be a hamper sponsored by Donie O’Meara Portumna. There will be many more spot prizes also up for grabs. Tickets are on sale from Joe and from the members of his committee Mark Mannion Ann Coughlan Trish O’Donoghue Jane Bilton Paul Houlihan Willie Rigney Eugene Kennedy Sean Lambe Sammy Killeen Mike Young. Watch out for a forthcoming auction details of which will be announced shortly. Lorrha Development Association ask you to support this venture by Joe and his committee.

Lorrha Hall Committee Fundraising Night For North Tipperary Hospice.

The Greyfort Gospel Singers (Borrisokane) present “Speed Your Journey”— The Gospel in Story and Song in Lorrha Community Hall on Saturday 13th. Feb. at 8.30p.m. All proceeds to North Tipperary Hospice. No door charge. Donations at your discretion.
Well Done.
Congratulations to Portumna Community School public speaking team and in particular our parishioners teacher Ann Hough (Ballyea) students Niall O’ Meara and Ciara Kennedy (both Curragha) who took to the podium in Ballinasloe for the mental health public speaking county final recently. They were up against Mountbellew Vocational School and Colaiste Eanna of Galway. The competition was close but Portumna C.S came out on top. They have now qualified for the Connaught final which will take place in late February and we wish them the very best of luck.


The Taize summer pilgrimage will take place from July 4th. to 13th. 2010 for people aged between 17 and 30 years of age. They will share in prayer workshops meals all that makes up a week in the life of young people. On Sunday July 11th. there will be a two night trip to Paris Monday 12th. in Disneyland Paris Monday evening a coach tour of Paris Tuesday 13th. sightseeing and shopping returning home that evening. The cost is €550. Enquiries to Fr. Jerry Carey on (086) 2508444.

Cross Country Success.

Well done to the Cross Country team from Portumna C.S. who did exceptionally well in the South Connacht Cross Country competition which was held recently. We especially congratulate Niall McIntyre (Portland) who finished second in the Minor boys competition and also his brother Eoin who also finished strongly. Well done lads.

Texas Hold ‘Em.

Lorrha Lord mayor candidate Theresa Dunne is holding a fundraising Texas Hold ‘Em card game on Sunday February 28th. in the Clonwyn Portumna. Registration at 3.00p.m. for a 4.00p.m. start. For details contact Brendan on (087) 6758729 or Keith on (087) 7276155. .Lorrha. Development Association ask you to support this venture by Theresa and her committee. Watch out for the forthcoming Barn dance on Saturday March 6th. at the Ferry Inn. More details later.

Best Of Luck.

The best of luck is extended to all the young people from the parish who are involved in the staging of “Joseph and His Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat” in Portumna C.S. this week.

Development Meeting.

Lorrha Development Association are holding a meeting on Wednesday night February 3rd. at 8.00p.m. in St. Ruadhan’s Community Hall. All members are requested to attend.

Open Night.

An open night for 6th. class students and their parents/guardians will take place on Thursday Feb. 4th. in St. Rynagh’s Building Coláiste na Sionna Banagher commencing at 7.30p.m.

Parish Web Site.

Visit the parish web site www.lorrhadorrha.ie for all the latest news in the parish.

Date For Your Diary.
Lorrha Lord Mayor Candidate David Power is holding a fundraising Poker Classic in The Friars Tavern Lorrha on Friday night March 12th. at 9p.m. Those who register before 9p.m. will get an extra 1000 chips.

Birr Theatre.

Thursday 4th. Spanich guitar & composer with guitar accompaniment “Eduardo Niebla”. Tues. 9th. Film Club “Sleep Furiously”. Thurs. 11th. Silver Screen “The Apartment”. Tues. 16th. Film Club “Cloud 9”. Friday 19th. One man play performed by Michael Harding “The Tinkers Curse”. Sat. 20th. “Moore’s Melodies” with Dean Power Aoife O’Sullivan and Katy Kelly accompanied by Una Hunt. Tuesday 23rd. Film club “Everlasting Moments”. Saturday 27th. Neil Delamere. March 2nd. film club “The Black Balloon”. Thursday 4th. Silver Screen “Last Chance Harvey”. Saturday 5th. “The High Kings”. Saturday 6th. Open Door Drama Group “Sive”. Tuesday 16th. to Saturday 20th. Birr Stage Guild Annual Musical. Thursday 25th. and Friday 26th. Legitimate Bodies Dance Company & Gallen Community School Ferbane present “Romeo and Juliet”. Saturday 27th. Freddie White. Sunday 28th. Brendan Grace.
Buy on line at www.birrtheatre.com or call (057) 9122911.