
Lorrha Notes.

Darina Kelly shares a joke with Fr. John Donnelly before he blesses and re-launches the Village Store in Rathcabbin last week-end. Also in the photo is Darina’s mum Mary. 
Calling Kelly & Tuohey Families.

The Foster family from Australia are trying to trace their Kelly and Tuohey relations here in Lorrha. Phillip Sylvester Kelly and his wife Catherine Kelly nee Tuohey emigrated to Australia around 1850. Rob is coming to Ireland in three weeks time and plans on visiting Lorrha to look into his family history and is looking for information and assistance to help him trace his relatives. If you think you can help him he may be contacted at rob.foster2@nunet.com.au

Heritage Walk & Talk.

Lorrha Development Association wish to offer thanks to Pat Hough for the guided heritage talk which took place in Lorrha Village last week as part of National Heritage Week. All who attended enjoyed the evenings. Well done Pat.

Talk on Baptism.

Dr. Joe Putti will present a talk on Baptisim – its meaning for us today in The Conference Room St. Brendan’s Church Birr on Monday September 3rd at 7.30p.m. Dr. Putti is a theologian who has lectured in St. Patrick’s College Thurles as well as LIT. He has edited a number of books and will shortly publish a book on spirituality in Ireland. This talk will be of interest to those involved in parish baptism preparation. All are welcome to attend.


The Dominicans are offering an affordable distance learning programme in theology which can be followed either for academic credit or for personal enrichment. People study from home with occasional study days at week-ends and with the support of on-line tutors. Hundreds of people have completed some or all of the programme. If you would like to know more contact the Priory Institute Tallaght Village Dublin 24 or call (01) 4048124. Enquiries@prioryinstitute.com www.prioryinstitute.com

Week-End Reflection.

“A Spiritual Compass” is the title for a week-end reflection at Esker Spirituality Centre Athenry Co. Galway from September 14th to 16th. The retreat and panelists will share their spiritual journey and resources. Join the week-end to renew and deepen your hope for living. All are welcome. View the website at www.redemporistseker.ie or call (091) 844007.

New Look.

Congratulations is extended to Pat and Darina Kelly on their new look Village Store
which was re-launched last Saturday with a street part following. Fr. John Donnell helped
by Feargal Quinn of Retail Therapy fame cut the tape to reveal a lovely make over and a smashing bright airy and welcoming foodmarket with loads of fresh foods supplied where possible by local suppliers. The shelves and fridges are very well stocked and customers should have no trouble finding what ever it is they are after. RTE will broadcast the make over in early Autumn and which was filmed over several month’s. Well done Pat and Darina and you are both wished many happy and successful years of trading in Rathcabbin.

Social Dancing.

Social dancing continues every Friday night in the GAA clubhouse with dancing this Friday night to J & S Sound from 9.30pm to 12.30pm.


Banagher Colaiste na Sionna is offering FETAC Level 5 in office administration. Students who successfully complete a revelant FETAC award are eligible to apply for reserved places on certain Institute of Technology courses. Further information can be had from the college. Also Sport and Recreation FETAC Level 5. On successful completion of this course students can apply to Athlone I.T. for higher certificate in Business in sport and recreation. These full time courses will commence in September and finish in May 2013. Also repeat Leaving Certificate courses 2012/2013. Contact the principal on (057) 9151323 or Fax (057) 9151755.

St. Ruadhan’s Active Retirement Association.

Our weekly meetings resume on Wednesday 5th September 2012 at 2.30pm in the Community Hall Lorrha. Hope to see all our members there. Transport is available should anyone require it. Or if anyone wants to find out more about the association please do drop in for a cuppa and a chat. All are welcome.

Drama & Art Club For Children.

Art and Drama club for children will commence on Wednesday September 19th for a 9 week term from 4 to 5.30p.m. in V.E.C. Adult Education Centre in Banagher. Group A will cater for children from 5 to 7 years while Group B will cater for children from 8 to 12 years. Tutors will be Tracey McGarry and Anne Clarke and for further information or to book you can contact (087) 8223175 or (086) 2245620.

Country Market.

Portumna Country market will hold a coffee morning this Friday August 31st from 9am to 12p.m. in Town Hall. This is in aid of Roy Stoddart who is traveling with the Niall Melon Trust to Capetown South Africa for a building project in November.

Local Bus Service.

A local bus service will travel from Portumna to Athlone on the First Friday of each month. There are also services to Loughrea and Ballinasloe. Contact the South East Galway IRD in Portumna for further details on (090) 9741867. This service is open to everyone. Travel pass accepted.

Smile Awhile.

Two elderly women were eating breakfast in a restaurant one morning.
Ethel noticed something funny about Mabel ‘s ear and she said ” Mabel
do you know you’ve got a suppository in your left ear?’ Mabel answered
‘I have a suppository in my ear?’
She pulled it out and stared at it. Then she said ‘ Ethel I’m so glad you
saw this thing. Now I think I know where to find my hearing aid.’