
Lorrha Notes


Liam Kennedy who is a fourth year medical student in Trinity College along with a group of his classmates spent four weeks assisting the local doctors on the wards of Livingstone Hospital Zambia where conditions are far from ideal.  They engaged in fundraising beforehand and brought the money out with them which enabled them to purchase IV stands trollies and medical supplies in the capital Lusaka having liaised with hospital management on getting the best use of their funds.

In the top picture Liam is presented with a cheque for €400 before his departure earlier in the summer by the pupils from Redwood N.S. where his mum Maura was principal at that time.  He would like to thank everyone who contributed to the fund especially the children and parents of Redwood School. Picture underneath shows Liam and fellow Medical Students group presenting Livingstone Hospital management with supplies and badly needed equipment.
Redwood Castle Mass.

The annual end of season Mass will be celebrated in redwood Castle on Friday night of this week September 7th at 8.00p.m. Everyone is invited and welcome to attend.

Gymnastic Training.

Midland Artistic Gymnastics Club will re-commence training after the summer break in Lorrha GAA sports complex from Tuesday September 11th. Times and ages as follows:
Children aged 5 to 7 years from 5 to 6.30p.m. From 8 years plus from 6.30 to 8p.m. every Tuesday and Thursday. Also every Saturday for 5 to 7 years from 11a.m to 12.30p.m. and for 8 years plus from 12.30 to 2.00p.m. Coaching by experienced Russian Gymnast who resides in Rathcabbin. For further information contact (087) 7528346 or email: natashachuhai@yahoo.com

2013 Parish Calendar.

It’s time to start thinking ahead again for the new year so Lorrha Development Association are once again thinking about compiling the very popular parish calendar. With that in mind anyone wishing to place an advert for 2013 or anyone who may have photographs that they think would be suitable for inclusion in the calendar please contact Mary on (090) 9747972 Liz at (090) 9747893 Louis on (086) 8493595 Rose at (086) 8647166 or any member of the committee as soon as possible please. Your support as always is much appreciated. All funds raised through the sale of the calendar goes directly back into the continuing work around the village.

Social Dancing.

Social dancing continues every Friday night in the GAA clubhouse with dancing this Friday night to Cupla from 9.30pm to 12.30pm.

St. Ruadhan’s Active Retirement Association.

Our weekly meetings resume this Wednesday 5th September 2012 at 2.30pm in the Community Hall Lorrha. Hope to see all our members there. Transport is available should anyone require it. Or if anyone wants to find out more about the association please do drop in for a cuppa and a chat. All are welcome.

Drama & Art Club For Children.

Art and Drama club for children will commence on Wednesday September 19th for a 9 week term from 4 to 5.30p.m. in V.E.C. Adult Education Centre in Banagher. Group A will cater for children from 5 to 7 years while Group B will cater for children from 8 to 12 years. Tutors will be Tracey McGarry and Anne Clarke and for further information or to book you can contact (087) 8223175 or (086) 2245620.


The Foster family from Australia are trying to trace their Kelly and Tuohey relations here in Lorrha. Phillip Sylvester Kelly and his wife Catherine Kelly nee Tuohey emigrated to Australia around 1850. Rob is coming to Ireland in three weeks time and plans on visiting Lorrha to look into his family history and is looking for information and assistance to help him trace his relatives. If you think you can help him he may be contacted at rob.foster2@nunet.com.au

Date For Your Diary.

A book launch will take place in The Friar’s Tavern Lorrha on Friday night October 12th.
Mark the date in your diary now. More details later.

Portumna Arts Group — Table Quiz

Mark the date! A fun night out with lots of prizes so gather a few friends and join in the fun! Friday 7th September 9.30 in The Boathouse in aid of the 5th Shorelines Arts Festival 20th – 23rd September. Table of 4 adults €40 Students €20. All Welcome.

Smile Awhile.

Hang In There!!

Eleven people were hanging onto a rope under a helicopter.
Ten men and One woman.
The rope was not strong enough to carry them all so they decided that one had to leave
because otherwise they were all going to fall.
They weren’t able to choose that person until the woman gave a very touching speech.

She said that she would voluntarily let go of the rope because as a woman she was used to giving up everything for her husband and kids or for men in general and was used to always making sacrifices with little or nothing in return.

As soon as she finished her speech all the men started clapping . . …… . . .