
Opening Of New Extension To Scoil Lua Naofa, Lorrha

The official opening and blessing of Scoil Lua Naofa Lorrha by Bishop Willie Walsh will take place on Wednesday 18th February at 8.00p.m. followed by refreshments in St. Ruadhan’s Community Hall.
A "Service Of Light" for the Confirmation candidates will be led by Bishop Walsh at 7.00p.m. in St. Ruadhan’s Church. First Communion children will also be sharing in this celebration. An invitation to both events is extended to all Parishioners as Bishop Walsh would like to avail of this opportunity to meet as many as possible.
Anyone who would be willing to lend old photo’s to the school for the occasion is asked to call into the school or call (090) 9747295. If anyone has an 1948 photograph from any class in the school would they please loan same to the school. All photographs will be returned to their owners.
Cheque Presentation.
Scoil Lua Naofa Lorrha received a boost to their building fund ahead of the official opening of the new school extension on February 18th. when the recently elected chairperson of the Parents Association Etain Reddin presented the chairperson of the Board of Management Margaret O’Meara with a cheque towards the project. The Parents Association commenced fundraising towards the schools refurbishment as far back as 1998 under the then chairman David Power when the group launched a Lord Mayor Campaign. In the years since and under different people at the helm fundraising continued and this cheque was the culmination of all such efforts.

Pictured L to R are Fiona Bennett (Treasurer Parents Association) Olive O’Meara (Principal) Etain Reddin (Chairperson Parents Association) Margaret O’Meara (Chairperson Board of Management) Willie Fogarty (Board of Management) Monique Boons (Secretary Parents Association). Pic: Rose Mannion.