
Lorrha Notes

Late Gerry D’arcy.

Sympathy is extended to Gerry Hackett (Lorrha) on the death of his brother in law Gerry D’arcy which occurred in Brighton, England on Christmas Day after a long illness. Born and raised in Lorrha (where the statue of our Lady now stands), Gerry left the peaceful life of the village and crossed the pond for the bright lights when he was a young man. He was a regular visitor back home down through the years and he liked nothing better than to catch up with all his old friends over a drink in Pat Hough’s, or a sing song in Maher’s. Pre-deceased by his brothers Sean and Desmond and sisters Aileen (Hackett) and Maureen, he is survived by his wife Carol, son Kieran, daughters Karen and Tina, sons in-law, daughter in-law, grandchildren, great grandchildren, brothers Pat (England) and Michael (St. Joseph’s Retirement Home, Killimor), sisters in-law, brothers in-law, relatives, neighbours and friends to whom sympathy is offered. Burial took place in England on Wednesday last January 13th. May he rest in peace.


Sympathy is extended to Lorrha post man Bertie Nevin (Borrisokane) on the death of his brother Tommy which occurred in Milford Hospice on Sunday January 10th. Cremation in Shannon Crematorium followed funeral Mass in SS Peter & Paul’s Church Borrisokane on Wednesday 13th. May he rest in peace. Sympathy is also extended to the family and relatives of Esther Cleary, sister of the late Fr. Slattery who dies recently. May she rest in peace.

Late Thomas O’Meara.

The death occurred on Tuesday 12th January of Thomas O’Meara, The Lake, Lorrha. Predeceased by his brothers Michael, PJ and Liam, sisters Mary Ann and Bridget, Thomas is deeply missed by his loving brothers Sean (Rathcabbin) and Flann (Cork), sister Freda (Tierney, Birr), nephews and all his nieces especially Caroline his niece, dearly cherished by Thomas to whom sympathy is offered. After funeral Mass in St. Ruadhan’s Church Lorrha on Friday 15th. burial took place in the adjoining cemetery. May he rest in peace.

Dog Control.

Gardai are asking all dog owners to secure their dog and make sure they know where their dog is at all times after a number of sheep attacks in recent weeks and as the lambing season gets underway.

Don’t Forget.

Don’t forget to purchase your copy of the 2021 Lorrha parish calendar while it is still available. You can purchase the calendar in the shop in Lorrha village, Mulrooney’s at The Ferry, O’Meara’s Super Valu Portumna, Boathouse, Salmons, Heenan’s Borrisokane, Flynn’s of Carrigahorig, Buckley’s Super Valu, Birr. The calendar as usual is packed with photos from the past and the present and makes a lovely gift for anyone whether living at home or abroad.

Church News.

With Level 5 restrictions back in force, religious services move back on line. Both Lorrha and Rathcabbin churches will remain open for anyone wishing to pray privately. Weddings can have up  and six guests and funerals can have ten people.

Masses are available online as follows:

Live at Borrisokane mass times- 7pm Saturday and 10:30am Sunday- and a recording from Fr Michael from Terryglass. Please check the following links:  www.twitch.tv/borrisokaneparish.  www.killaloediocese.ie/parish/borrisokane/.   www.terryglass/kilbarron       https://bit.ly/3bhnxfj

Weekdays Masses on Webcam 10am.Tues, Thurs, Fri. from Borrisokane.

 Free Remote Tutoring.

Age Action’s getting started KIT programme provides free remote tutoring to older people to use the internet on their device. Please see the following link for further information or contact Age Action on 01-4756989 https://www.ageaction.ie/how-we-can-help/getting-started-kit.


The Samaritans Ennis and Clare are currently recruiting new volunteers. Everybody is welcome to apply. For information please log on to volunteer.samaritans.org, text 085 176 3491 or email samaritansrecruitmentennis@gmail.com.

Anniversary Masses.

Anyone wishing to book an anniversary mass please contact the Parish Office on 090-9747009. Both Fr Tom and Fr Michael are happy to include anniversaries in their weekend masses, in Terryglass by audio on Saturday evenings and on webcam on Sunday mornings in Borrisokane.

Marriage Preparation During Covid:

Accord CLG is providing a 4 hour facilitated virtual interactive programme for couples preparing for marriage. See Accord.ie or phone 01 5053112.


A Covid-19 support line is available for older people and is managed by ALONE, a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to the outbreak of the Coronavirus. Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary. The support line is open seven days a week, 8am – 8pm, by calling 0818 222 024. You can also contact the Samaritans:  Ph: 116,123, Text  087 2609090, email jo@samaritans.ie . Pieta House: Ph 1800 247 247, text HELP to 51444. Aware: Ph. 1800 804 848, email supportmail@:aware.ie

Lending a Hand.

If anyone needs a helping hand during this latest Level 5 restrictions, Lorrha GAA club would like to offer their services whether it’s to collect groceries, collect prescriptions etc. Ring Joe Dolan (0879673124), Maureen Guinan (0872426965), Niall McIntyre (0857623158), David Fogarty (0872681134), Colm Kennedy (0868170633) all of whom will be happy to help.

Dark Days.

With Covid-19 still raging here in Ireland, we are witnessing dark days indeed. These are very frightening times for us all. 260 Covid related deaths were recorded last week over a six day period and that’s in the 26 counties, leaving a lot of families without a loved one.
This virus has absolutely no regard for age and now with three variant’s, UK, South African and Brazillian, popping up its ugly head and spreading aggressively through all adult age groups, no one is safe, not even those who have had Covid already.
The figures remain staggering and the hospitals are under huge pressure in order to cope, putting our front line workers under enormous pressure too and what a worrying time it is for them as they continue to give of their best in order to save lives.
Some doctors now believe that it could take up to a further twelve months of restrictions before the number of people vaccinated would be sufficient to protect the public, because we are in the middle of the main wave now. So do adhere to the public health guidelines and stay safe.

GAA News.

 Membership: Club membership for 2021 is now due. Membership rates are unchanged from last year. €90 – Adult player; €50 – Minor/College student; €30 – Non-playing Adult (+€70 extra for gym membership); €20 – Juvenile (16 & under); €90 – Family (2 adults & 2 children, capped at €100 for three or more children).

No player can play or train without having their membership paid.

Membership can be paid to registrar Louise Mannion (087659887) or on the website foireann.ie, Contact Maureen (0872426965) if you are having issues signing up.

Euro Millions: The club will be re-running the Euro Millions lotto fundraiser some time this year. There is €2300 in the kitty with our numbers having come up once so far. Members will be made aware when we are re-launching it later in the year.

Lotto: There was No Winner of this weeks lotto jackpot of €12,300. The numbers drawn on 18 January were: 1-7-17-26. No Match 3. Lucky Dips: PJ Coughlan, Simon Dagg, Maureen Guinan, John Kennedy.

Promoters: Hubert Duggan, Noreen Houlihan, Eamonn Maher.

Next Monday’s draw will be for a jackpot of €12,450 with a Match 3 pot of €140. Team 7 in charge of the draw. Thank you for your continued support.

 The jackpot is at €12’450 with a Match 3 pot of €100. You can play online at clubforce.com. Lotto envelopes can be dropped off at the clubhouse, at Mulrooney’s, Kelly’s, or at the Scéal shop. If you need Lotto envelopes, contact chairman Joe Dolan (0879673124), Hubert Duggan (0872185995) or Kevin Molloy (0876738986).

Helping hand: Contact Joe Dolan (0879673124), Maureen Guinan (0872426965), Tom Kennedy, (0879191689) , Louis McCormack (0868493595), Colm Kennedy (0868170633) if a helping hand is needed.

Sympathies: Sympathies to the O’Meara family on the death of Thomas.

Stay safe and support local: These are challenging times but there are brighter days ahead. Stay safe and support local business.