
Lorrha Notes

The GAA Juvenile committee are raffling this fine tractor load of turf for just €5 per ticket. If you want to be in with a chance to win then hurry and contact the juvenile chairman Colm Kennedy on 086 8170 633 or contact any member of the committee. But you had better hurry as the raffle will be held next week. 

Lorrha Development Association:

The hugely increasing cost of insuring Friars Park has become a matter of concern for Lorrha Development Association, prompting the committee to seek advice from our local councillors and Tipperary Co. Council.  The amount sought from our insurers for the coming year is €1,975 and we have been informed that approx. 50% of this amount is due to the fact that there is playground equipment in the park. Taking this and the advice/information we received from the aforementioned into account, the Development Association has decided, regretfully, to have the playground equipment removed from the park. If anyone is interested in having this equipment for your personal use, you may have it for a contribution to Lorrha Development Association.  Enquiries to Mary at (090) 9747972.

Church News.

Level 5 Covid 19. Both Lorrha and Rathcabbin churches will remain open for anyone wishing to pray privately for the next 6 weeks.   Masses will be available online (see details below).

Up to 25 mourners can attend a funeral service. Up to 25 guests can attend a wedding ceremony and reception. Baptisms-postponed unless an emergency. First Friday Calls-we can arrange to have a family member to give Holy Communion to their relative. Confessions-may be heard upon request. These arrangements will remain in place until level five restrictions are lifted on December 1st.

Masses remain available remotely live at Borrisokane mass times- 7pm Saturday and 10:30am Sunday- and a recording from Fr Michael from Terryglass. Please check the following links:  www.twitch.tv/borrisokaneparish  /  www.killaloediocese.ie/parish/borrisokane/   www.terryglass/kilbarron https://bit.ly/3bhnxfj  Weekdays Masses on Webcam 10am.Tues, Thurs, Fri. from Borrisokane.

On-line Donations to Parish:

The on-line donations facility on the Diocesan Website is now operational which enables parishioners to make on-line contributions to their own individual parish. Log on to www.killaloediocese.ie and using the Donate button, select your own parish to make your contribution. Donations to parish funds, priest’s collections or other special collections can be accommodated. We hope that you will find this service useful for your ongoing support which is greatly appreciated.

Blessing of the Graves.

 In the absence of us being able to bless graves the following link may be helpful. The prayer ceremony will be live on webcam on the 1st of November at 3pm https://www.killaloediocese.ie/november-remembrance-for-the-faithful-departed/
Feast of All Saints, Sunday next 1st November . Feast of All Souls, Monday next, 2nd November.

Tune In.

Radio Maria Ireland is an Irish-run Catholic talk-radio station. Prayer, Catechesis, Uplifting music, Talks, Interviews and Testimonies – all commercial free – Listen via TV on Saorview – Channel 210; Download our FREE APP – “RADIO MARIA IRELAND”, streaming on www.radiomaria.ie or via PHONE – get live radio feed by telephoning +353 (0) 1 437 3277 (no extra charges apply). Please join our growing faith family!

Help Line:

A COVID-19 support line is available for older people and is managed by ALONE,  a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to the outbreak of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary. The support line is open seven days a week, 8am – 8pm, by calling 0818 222 024.

Road Works Continue:

Temporary Road Closure R489 road from Portumna to Birr with works at The Pike, Rathcabbin and Ballincor, Lorrha, continues until  19.00hrs Friday 30th October to facilitate urgent works in the area.
The road remains closed from 07:00hrs – 19:00hrs Monday to Friday weekly.
Traffic travelling from Portumna will proceed along N65 southbound from the R489 Junction at The Ferry to Derrinvohil and R438 northbound to Walshpark. Traffic travelling from Walshpark will proceed along R438 southbound to Derrinvohil and the N65 northbound to The Ferry. Localised diversions will be in place for the duration of the closure.

An Post Giving A Helping Hand.

An Post has announced ‘Community Focus’, an expanded range of post office and postal delivery supports for customers and communities to help everyone stay connected now and into the future.  An Post Community Focus is a range of supports for customers, most particularly for older and vulnerable people who are living alone. New from An Post , recognising the increasing restrictions across the country and to bring a little joy, An Post will ensure free delivery of all card and letter mail posted to and from residents of Nursing and Care homes in the State.  By writing FREEPOST where the stamp normally goes, An Post will carry cards and letters without a postage stamp.
An Post delivery staff will continue to check in regularly with ‘seniors’ along their routes.  Family members of older or vulnerable customers can register for the free check-in service by completing the postal address and eircode of the customer at anpost.com/CommunityFocus.  These details will be relayed directly through An Post’s digital network to the customer’s local postperson who will call to the address at the earliest opportunity.
Should any customer have a specific need for groceries, prescription etc, the postperson will link them up with ALONE, the national charity ensuring personal support to older and vulnerable people,  lined to the wider Local Authority Community Response Forum. If older or vulnerable customers are unable to get out to buy stamps for cards or letters, their postman or postwoman will pick up their mail from their home and An Post will cover the postage for them.  An Post will provide same-day delivery of newspapers for older and vulnerable customers Monday to Friday.  Customers can find out more at anpost.com/CommunityFocus or newsdelivery.ie
Customers can nominate a Temporary Agent to collect their social welfare payments (eg Pension) at the Post Office.  Forms  are available at all post offices and anpost.com/Communityfocus.    In addition to clear signage and social distancing measures, Post Offices have also designated 9am – 11am on Fridays as the dedicated period for seniors or vulnerable customers to collect social welfare payments and do other business.

Lorrha GAA Helping Hand.

If anyone needs a helping hand, Lorrha GAA club would like to offer their services whether it’s to collect groceries, collect prescriptions etc. Ring Joe Dolan (0879673124), Maureen Guinan (0872426965), Niall McIntyre (0857623158), David Fogarty (0872681134), Colm Kennedy (0868170633) all of whom will be happy to help.

Local Gardai Helping Hand.

Gardai in Borrisokane are offering a helping hand if you or anyone you know require assistance during this pandemic. Just call them on (067) 27101.

GAA Notes:

There was No Winner of this weeks lotto jackpot of €10,500. The numbers drawn on 26 October were: 10-21-22-24. No Match 3. Lucky Dips: Caroline O’Brien, Trish Moore, Sharan O’Donnell Molloy, Ronan & Eimear Moore. Promoters: Joe Dolan, Liam Reddish, Mulrooney’s Gala.

Next Monday’s draw will be for a jackpot of €10,650 with a Match 3 pot of €160 so make sure you are in the draw. Thank you for your continued support.


Club shut-down: All club activities, aside from the lotto which will be running as normal, have been called off until December 1 – this includes the annual timber auction which won’t take place this year. With our juveniles spread across four secondary schools and three primary schools, we’ve decided the safest course of action is to take a break. The hope is that we can all get through Christmas safe and that 2021 will be an even more successful year for the club. In the meantime, stay safe, keep the heads up and the spirits high.

Helping hand: If anyone needs a helping hand, the club would like to offer our services whether it’s to collect groceries, collect prescriptions etc. Ring Joe Dolan (0879673124), Maureen Guinan (0872426965), Niall McIntyre (0857623158), David Fogarty (0872681134), Colm Kennedy (0868170633) all of whom will be happy to help.

Juvenile fundraiser: We are raffling off a load of turf for our juvenile fundraiser. It’s €5 per ticket and anybody interested in entering the draw is to contact juvenile chairman Colm Kennedy (0868170633) or any member of the committee. We are raffling it off next week.

Club Gear: The Lorrha jersey, along with a wide range of Lorrha gear is now available to buy on the O’Neill’s website. You can check it out by following the link on our social media channels. The blue and white tops and shorts have the making of a great Christmas present.

Tipperary: Best of luck to Brian Hogan, Patrick Maher, and the Tipperary senior hurlers in the Munster semi-final against Limerick next Sunday. Also, best of luck to the senior men’s and ladies’ footballers in their championship games next weekend.