
Lorrha Notes


James Hough, Rathcabbin ploughing last year in the North Tipp Ploughing Championships.

North Tipp Ploughing.

The North Tipperary Ploughing Campionships will take place on Sunday March 29th. at Ballincor, Lorrha on the lands of the Lambe family by kind permission. Blessing of the site will take place on Saturday 28th at 1pm. The official opening with the cutting of the ribbon on Sunday will take place at 11.30am. Competitors will then commence assembly at 12 noon. To commemorate the 50th Anniversary, it is planned that later on in the evening around 4.15p.m. to unveil a stone and plant a tree.  A great day out for all the family. You are invited to come along and join the 50th Anniversary celebrations.

Late Audrey Godlington.

The death occurred on St. Patrick’s Day, March 17th of Audrey Godlington, Lisballyard, Rathcabbin. Audrey who was 78,  and her late husband John who pre deceased her in 2008, came from England to live in the parish close on twenty years ago. They were a quiet couple who welcomed all who called to them and they enjoyed the company of their neighbours for a chat. Sympathy is extended to her three sons and one daughter on their sad loss. After funeral Service on Saturday 21st in Pallas Church, Rathcabbin, burial took place afterwards in Bonoham cemetery. May she rest in peace.


Rathcabbin Players extend sympathy to Tanya Coughlan and Ray Clancy, Lords Park, Rathcabbin on the death of her mother Maria Coughlan, High St., Birr which occurred on Friday 20th March. After funeral Mass in St. Brendan’s Church on Sunday last, burial took place in Clonoghill Cemetery. May she rest in peace.

Summer Time Begins.

A reminder that with the commence of Summer time, don’t forget to put your clock forward one hour on Sunday coming March 29th.

Fundraising Poker Classic.

Sarah Brady Rathcabbin is travelling to South Africa in November with the Mellon Educate’s 2015 Building Blitz and she is holding a Poker Classic on Friday night 27th at 9pm in Kelly’s The Last Chance Bar in rathcabbin. Tickets are €20 available from Sarah on (086) 0646889. There will be Cash prizes, raffle and food. Sarah would welcome your support.

‘Mellon Educate’ is a new initiative by the Niall Mellon Township Trust. The trust was established by Irish developer Niall Mellon, after he visited South Africa in 2002 and was appalled by the living conditions of the people in the Imizamo Yethu township in Cape Town.

Niall realised he could utilise his expertise in construction to make a difference to the lives of these communities by providing people with the dignity and security of owning a proper home. That year The Niall Mellon Township Trust was established with the aim of providing quality social housing for the impoverished communities in the townships of South Africa.

Since the first ‘building blitz’ in 2003, over 22,000 volunteers have travelled to South Africa to participate in a week of intensive building efforts, which have provided decent homes for in excess of 100,000 people.

In 2013, the trust launched its new initiative, ‘Mellon Educate’, which uses the same principal to build schools for these underprivileged communities, seeing education as the next step to securing a brighter future. This ambitious programme will help educate 100,000 impoverished children in townships and slums across Africa in 10 years. But as well as voluntary labour, much financial support is needed to achieve this goal. Hence, each volunteer also fundraises, to fund the trip and the necessary building supplies and other cost.

The poker classic in Kelly’s is organised by Rathcabbin local Sarah Brady, who is volunteering in the 2015 building blitz, to take place in November. Tickets are €20, available from Sarah, by calling 0860646889, or on the night. There will be generous cash prizes for the poker, and there will also be a raffle on the night. It is sure to be a great evening, and hopefully will go a long way towards funding this marvelous project.

St. Ruadhan’s Active Retirement.

We are planning a meal out in April and if you would like to come please let us know. On the 20th May for the Bealtaine Festival we have a tribute to Mick Delahunty in Lorrha Hall. All members welcome. We look forward to seeing you all.

Church News.

Community/Lenten Walks

Community Lenten walk continue on Sunday 29th March (Palm Sunday) in Rathcabbin at 2.30pm. With the change in the clock Mass times will be Redwood Church (Vigil Mass) at 8.pm. commencing Saturday 11th April, Lorrha at 10am on Sundays and Rathcabbin at 11.30am.

Invitation: “Come and See”

Lent is a time for prayer and reflection and with this in mind a special ceremony will be held in Rathcabbin church on Friday 27th March at 7.30pm.  At the ceremony a number of our parishioners, who are coping with difficulties which are typical of the times we live in, will share their experiences and also the strength and hope which helps them persevere. Sharing personal stories is a powerful way of inspiring others who are also struggling and everyone can benefit from such sharing.  So please do come along, encourage your family and friends to do the same. You’ll be very glad you did!

Charismatic Renewal:

Nenagh Holy Spirit Prayer Group – Life in the Spirit Seminar, Invitation to a seven week programme, where you will pray, sing and share with others. Meeting place: Pastoral Centre, Church Road , Nenagh.  Day: Every Tuesday commencing on Tuesday 7th April.  Time: 7.45pm.  Come to the gathering night on Tuesday 24th March, in the Pastoral Centre, at 8.00pm for a full overview of The Life in the Spirit Seminar.

Redwood N.S.

Music Lessons

Music lessons with Pio Ryan and Ms Helena Darcy are now available on Thursday evenings after school. Pio is offering lessons on the Banjo and Mandolin. Helena is offering lessons on the Button Accordion. The lessons are open to everybody, please contact the school if you would like to take part on 090 9747186.

Easter Tennis Camp

Teacher Helena Darcy and her sister Anne Marie are both qualified tennis coaches with Tennis Ireland. They are running an Easter tennis camp for all children (ages 4-12 yrs) from Mon, 30th March to Fri, 03rd April on the school tennis court. The camp will run daily from 10am-12pm. The camp will cost €35 per child with a reduction for families. Please contact Helena on 087 1021326 to book a place for your child.

Summer De-Clutter.

Thinking of clearing out the wardrobe to make room for the Summer collection? Lorrha Development/ Tidy Towns continue with unused clothes collection throughout the Summer months. De-clutter your wardrobe, attack your attic, recycle all unwanted/unused items of clothing to make room for your Summer collection. We will accept any kind of bag or inbagsprovided by the committee. We can collect your unwanted items. Just call or text  (086) 8647166, (086) 8493595 or (086) 8355405 with your name and details. We appreciate your support. All money raised from all fundraising ventures is used for the ongoing work around Lorrha Village which helps to keep two adults employed.

Muck Run.

Lusmagh Camogie Club are hosting a 5km Muck Run on Easter Monday (6th April) at 12 noon in Stream Callows (Follow signs from sports field) Registration at 10.45am.  Adults €20 Students €15.   Kids course available also €10 (u14).  Limited spaces so arrive early. For more details see Lusmagh Muck Run on Facebook.  A fun filled afternoon guaranteed.


Lorrha Parish has again been successful in bring home awards from the CAVA (North Tipperary Community & Voluntary Association) Awards Ceremony which was held in Moyne Community Hall on Saturday night, 21st March 2015.  Lorrha Rathcabbin Energy Team (LRET) won an award under the category of Community Enterprise and Innovation.  Very well done to the Team.

Unfortunately Betty Houlihan missed out on receiving an award under the individual category of Lifetime Achievement Award who was nominated by St. Ruadhan’s Active Retirement Association.  This award was shared equally between Mary Lanigan Ryan (Borrisoleigh) and Martin Ryan (Moyne).

Congratulations also to our neighbouring parish, Terryglass, on receiving 2 awards.  Terryglass Arts Festival received an award under the group category of Arts, Culture and Tourism.  They also received the CAVA Overall Achievement Award for the best group overall.

Looking for Families to host Italian Students in July 2015

VIVI L’IRLANDA is looking for local families to host Italian students, (12-14 years) from 6th-27th of July in the Portumna area. Attractive remuneration. Families with children is one of the main prerequisites. Contact D. O’Shea: 085-1925466, dunkellin01@gmail.com.

Fashion Show.

Want to treat yourself to a fun night out????? For tickets please call or text Marguerite Murphy on 087-6200280.

Aglish Community Hall are hosting a Fashion Show in The Abbey Court Hotel this Friday, 247th March @ 8pm. Tickets cost 15 euro, which includes Pre-Show Cheese & Wine Reception & entry to a Massive Raffle being held on the night. The first 200 entrants on the night will also receive a free “Goodie Bag” with lots of surprises inside!!!! The shops participating are. All Occasions Boutique, Portumna – Ann Marie’s, Nenagh – Bella Boutique, Nenagh, De Stafford Bridal, Nenagh – Edel’s Boutique, Nenagh – Jim Mcloughney Menswear, Nenagh – Kiddies Kloset, Nenagh – Ladies Day Boutique, Portumna -The Logo Factory, Nenagh – Michelle’s Boutique, Birr – Rumple Silks, Nenagh – Sixty Three, Nenagh – A SportsmansDream Nenagh. There will also be an Exhibitors Display Area in the foyer from 7-8pm & the following will be showcasing their wears:

The Country Kitchen Borrisokane – Colette’s Home Baking Ardcroney – Heavenly Footwear Sopwell – New Moon Fashion Accessories Nenagh – McDermotts Pharmacy Borrisokane – Memory Lane Antiques Birr – Paddys Bar & Restaurant Terryglass – Oona Conroy Shoes & Bags Carlow. Your support would be very much appreciated.

Smile Awhile & Laugh a Little Every Day.

A man went to his solicitor and stated that he would like to make a will but didn’t know how to go about it. “ No problem” said the solicitor “ Leave it all to me”. The man looked upset as he said “Well, I know you are going to take the biggest slice, but I’d like to leave a little to my children too!”.